Republican competition of social projects for the provision of presidential grants in 2024 has been announced

02/09/24 14:11

Republican competition of social projects for the provision of presidential grants in 2024 has been announced

The President signed an order to hold a competition of social projects this year for the provision of grants from the President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. Non-profit organizations of Pridnestrovie and initiative groups carrying out non-profit activities aimed at achieving social, charitable, cultural, educational, scientific goals, as well as promoting the consolidation of civil society, are allowed to participate.

The suggested nominations are: family, demographic and migration policy; promoting employment; social assistance and care; development of the social environment; public health, physical education and sports; public safety, civil defense; technology education; innovations in education; science, scientific services and science and technology policy; environment preservation; socialization and civic engagement of youth; preservation of traditions and historical heritage; development of culture and art; improving the quality and comfort of the modern urban environment; tourism development.

The total amount allocated for grants is three million rubles. The competition period is from February 12 to March 29, 2024.


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