Message from the PMR President to public and administrative authorities. “Political Stability” block. The tasks in the field of investigation addressed to the PMR Investigative Committee

01/22/24 12:35

Message from the PMR President to public and administrative authorities. “Political Stability” block. The tasks in the field of investigation addressed to the PMR Investigative Committee

1. To carry out work to improve the efficiency of the investigation of criminal cases of economic crimes in order to recover damage caused to the state and citizens at the stage of preliminary investigation.

2. To take measures to reduce the number of criminal cases returned by the prosecutor for additional investigation in the manner prescribed by Article 191 of the PMR Criminal Procedure Code in close cooperation with the prosecutor. To ensure proper control at the stage of making a procedural decision to send the case to the prosecutor for approval of the indictment, as well as decisions to terminate and suspend the criminal case.

3. To strengthen control over investigators’ compliance with reasonable deadlines for criminal proceedings. There is a law that provides for deadlines, but there is reason. It is necessary to exclude cases of unjustified detention of people beyond certain periods.

4. To carry out work to improve the level of professional training and qualifications of employees on the basis of the Tiraspol Law Institute named after  Kutuzov. It is possible on the basis of the Pridnestrovian State University, but still the emphasis must be placed on the Tiraspol Law Institute as a university specialized in this part, where investigators, in addition to their linear focus, will be given other lectures, including on operational work, so that the investigator understands the detective, so to speak.

5. To take measures provided for by the current legislation of the PMR to ensure legality when receiving, considering and making decisions on appeals from citizens and organizations. Any message from citizens and organizations must be registered and a decision made on it.


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