The President heard a report on the activities of the PMR Public Chamber

12/19/23 12:36

The President heard a report on the activities of the PMR Public Chamber

The PMR Public Chamber held a reporting meeting today. The event took place at the Supreme Council of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. Among those invited to the meeting was the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky.

Information about the results of the activities was announced by the Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Vladimir Ladunkin. The reporting period is three years. The speaker recalled that the organization relies on the provisions of the basic law in its work, the Development Strategy of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic for 2019 - 2026 and the annual Messages of the PMR President to public and administrative authorities. The head emphasized that the President had previously identified two main functions of the Public Chamber – communication and control. According to Vladimir Ladunkin, nine meetings of the Public Chamber and 20 meetings of the presidium were held in 2021–2023. The Chairman mentioned the public councils created under the executive authorities, drawing attention to the fact that they are formed by the decision of the competition commission, which includes representatives of the Public Chamber. An important aspect that the speaker focused on was active work with citizens’ appeals. Vladimir Ladunkin spoke about the initiation of changes to the 2023 budget, thanks to which five apartments were purchased for the PMR defenders, giving examples of situations in which it was possible to understand and facilitate the adoption of specific measures. Another example is the launch of a program for dental prosthetics for war invalids. Another achievement is the preservation of the Polytechnic College in Slobodzeya. Vladimir Ladunkin spoke about interaction with various public and administrative authorities. The speaker highlighted those that are involved in the economic bloc, talking about the activities of individual commissions. Much has been done in the cultural and educational sphere. The Chairman of the Public Chamber drew attention to the fact that the organization resorts to various forms of work. Preference is often given to on-site meetings and inspections.

Thanking his colleagues for their fruitful joint work, Vladimir Ladunkin expressed hope that the new composition of the PMR Public Chamber of the VI convocation will continue its endeavors and increase its achievements.

The President assessed the activities of the organization. Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about the role of the Public Chamber and the effectiveness of its work. Speaking about future prospects, he highlighted several areas. It is necessary according to the President to continue control measures regarding the implementation of the capital investment program and the expenditure of funds from the Capital Investment Fund. He sees increased attention to social institutions for children and adults in need of specific care as important. The third area is direct interaction between officials and citizens and the public. Vadim Krasnoselsky thanked the members of the Public Chamber of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic for their work and love for Pridnestrovie, aiming to continue the work aimed at maintaining peace in the country and the development of the republic.


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