The President held a meeting on the current budget implementation and the development of the next one

11/02/23 11:54

The President held a meeting on the current budget implementation and the development of the next one

Vadim Krasnoselsky held a meeting with the leaders of the Administration of the PMR President, the PMR Government, the Supreme Council, as well as the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Finance and the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Policy, Budget and Finance. The implementation of the main financial law of the country this year and the work on the draft budget 2024 was discussed.

Opening the discussion, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that this year has been difficult in all respects, which could not but affect budget processes. It is important that all social obligations of the state were fulfilled in a timely and complete manner. Development programs were not frozen, although they were adjusted seriously. The influence of external factors and the instability of the situation along the perimeter of the republic required a prompt and adequate response to the circumstances, including a budgetary one.

Minister of Finance Alena Ruskevich informed the meeting participants about the execution of the budget, based on the indicators for 10 months of 2023. Non-tax revenues were lower than planned, tax revenues in various areas showed different dynamics for objective reasons: individual entrepreneurship brought the state treasury more than projected revenues, agriculture was unable to replenish the revenue side in the expected amount on the contrary. The funds from targeted budget funds have not been fully used, the minister stated, emphasizing that unspent amounts will be reflected in the draft budget for 2024, but this money cannot be considered additional income or reserves. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted in this regard that all contractual obligations must be fulfilled.

The President asked whether the interaction between the legislative and executive branches of government is constructive when working on next year’s draft budget. Chairman of the relevant parliamentary committee Viktor Guzun said that the Government and the parliamentary corps have a common vision on most issues. The Supreme Council studies the government version in detail, drawing up comments and proposals in the form of amendments. Consideration of the legislation in the first reading is scheduled for the 15th of November, which corresponds to the standards for work on the draft main financial document.


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