The city of Bendery was awarded the Order of Potemkin-Tavrichesky by decree of the PMR President

10/06/23 16:55

The city of Bendery was awarded the Order of Potemkin-Tavrichesky by decree of the PMR President

Solemn meeting dedicated to the 615th anniversary of the first chronicle mention of Bendery was held in the large hall of the Palace of Culture named after Tkachenko. The President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Vadim Krasnoselsky with his wife were among the guests of honor.

The organizers of the event paid special attention to the history of the city. The formation and development of Bendery in persons, events and sights was illustrated by a laser show. The story about the city was continued by a film specially prepared for the anniversary. The head of the state administration Roman Ivanchenko, the chairman of the city Council of People's Deputies Yuri Kara, addressed the Bendery residents with congratulations and words of gratitude. The defenders of the city and country did not go unnoticed. The memory of those who gave their lives for peace and independence was honored with a minute of silence. They talked about the development of the city, modern achievements and plans for the future. Many figures have been announced that reflect the positive progress in life necessities of Bendery. The consolidation of the public, municipal structures and government agencies was noted, as well as the responsibility, hard work and active citizenship characteristic of Bendery residents.

The PMR President spoke about the birthday city, which was deservedly awarded the Order of the Republic and the title of City of Military Glory, about its past and current residents. He wished that the rich, centuries-old military history of Bendery would remain in the past, forever giving way to the history of peace, development and creation. The President emphasized that Bendery is a city of the future.

Bendery was awarded the Order of Potemkin-Tavrichesky for the great contribution of the residents of the city of Bendery to maintaining peace and security of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and on the occasion of the city anniversary. This is a new reward, it was presented for the first time today. The President handed over the order to the city leadership – the head of Bendery and the chairman of the local Council.


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