The festive concert dedicated to the upcoming 33rd anniversary of the country was held in the great hall of the Palace of the Republic

08/31/23 18:49

The festive concert dedicated to the upcoming 33rd anniversary of the country was held in the great hall of the Palace of the Republic

It is traditional to hold a large festive concert on the eve of the Republic Day with the participation of the best creative teams of Pridnestrovie. An exhibition of handicrafts, printed publications of local authors, paintings from the fund of the State Art Museum and works of the Union of Designers of Pridnestrovie was organized in the foyer of the Palace of the Republic. There are hundreds of guests in the big hall. The PMR President addressed them. Vadim Krasnoselsky congratulated the Pridnestrovians. Special words of gratitude were addressed to the creators and defenders of Pridnestrovie.

Vadim Krasnoselsky considers that 33 years of Pridnestrovian statehood is enough to understand the historical prerequisites for the creation of Pridnestrovie and prove the necessity of this decision. The President spoke about the choice of the people voiced during the referenda, recalling the political and economic pressure from Moldova. The theme of the war against the peaceful Pridnestrovian people, who, despite the meanness and cynicism of the aggressors, withstood and won in the struggle for independence, did not go unnoticed. Vadim Krasnoselsky called on the participants of the event to honor the memory of the dead with a minute of silence and expressed gratitude to the peacekeepers, which stopped the bloodshed and protected the peace on the banks of the Dniester. The President recalled all kinds of trials that the republic has faced and successfully overcome over the course of 33 years of its modern history. He spoke about the current realities in which the Pridnestrovian state lives. He especially focused on the fact that two different peoples have been formed over more than three decades – the Bessarabian Romanians and the multinational Pridnestrovian people. Vadim Krasnoselsky touched upon the topic of strengthening Orthodoxy in the Pridnestrovian land and respectful attitude towards other religions. The President paid attention in his speech to the state idea of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. Infrastructural transformations were Mentioned. The President of the PMR considers the preservation of peace to be the main achievement. Vadim Krasnoselsky expressed confidence that the fundamental principles of Pridnestrovian statehood should not be changed despite the ongoing geopolitical changes,. It is about political stability, economic self-sufficiency and social justice.

Vadim Krasnoselsky, congratulating the Pridnestrovians, wished everyone well-being, health and peace.


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