The PMR President talked with media representatives

06/19/23 14:35

The PMR President talked with media representatives

Today is the 31st anniversary of the tragedy in Bendery. Did Pridnestrovie forgive or not after so many years?

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky:

It is necessary before answering the question to tell about the history of this conflict. It is necessary by and large to forgive, having a platform, understanding the situation. The presenter said in the course of the rally, and I repeatedly stated this, Moldova violating all the agreements that had been reached earlier, carried out perfidious aggression against Pridnestrovie, against the townspeople, against the people of Bendery then, on June 19, 1992. It was then, literally two days before June 19, when the Moldovan parliament decided on an exclusively peaceful solution to the issue of Pridnestrovie. The city of Bendery was opened according to the agreement, including with the observers, with the commission. Checkpoints were removed, orders were removed, the town became open from the main directions – from Kaushany, Kishinev, Varnitsa directions. Why? Because the town was not afraid, because they seem to have agreement. What were the agreements? Armed formations broke into the town from three sides two days later. It was not some kind of special operation by the police, but armed formations that came. Military people, including mobilized military men, were thrown against a peaceful city, against civilians. As for the mobilized: mobilization is not carried out in one or two days. You all understand this in the current realities. Everyone understands. All this requires serious preparation, this is a month, two, three, even six months. Moldova was systematically preparing for the invasion. It is a fact. When the parliament made a decision on a peaceful settlement, when it actually deceived the entire Pridnestrovian people, then the commanders already received an order for aggression against Pridnestrovie. This is also a fact. This fact must be considered in the light of today's events. Why? Because no one was held accountable for what happened in 1992. This is one. Nobody apologized. This is two. Then who to forgive? Forgiveness is a counter act. If someone repents, there is forgiveness. We should always forgive basically, this is our Christian duty. This is fine. Today will also be history tomorrow. We need to learn some lessons from this story, to understand that we should not trust, we must rely on our own people, that's for sure. I consider as politician, as President, as citizen, that those who are guilty should be held responsible for the invasion of the city of Bendery, for the deaths of civilians. Naturally, at least some legal assessment is needed. Apologies at the very least or all in a complex. Otherwise, what is forgiveness? In addition, one cannot speak of forgiveness on the part of one or two persons. The society, the state, the people living here shall forgive. This is a question for people to a greater extent. What I have indicated is not an obstacle because we are evil because we live that history. In no case. We are just kind. We build, develop, live. We are holding today's event only for the sake of peace, for the sake of not repeating what happened. Do you understand? Not for war, not for anger. Forgiveness is a moment that depends on people. To forgive means to understand. I still don't understand, so it's a question for the future probably.

Forgiving doesn't mean forgetting, does it?

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky:

Of course not, how to forget? I think this date will remain here, on this memorial, in our memory for centuries as long as people live in this city. We must remember those who died, who defended Pridnestrovie. We must remember this war.

There is a question about Russian peacekeepers. Moldova keeps saying that they need to be withdrawn, quit the Agreement1992. Why is everyone doing this in Moldova? What is your attitude towards this?

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky:

History must be remembered. It was June 19, 1992 when the act of aggression took place. There was a so-called civilian mission, which consisted of officials from different states. They hid like mice in a cellar with the lights on. Once - and there are no mice. That's what they did, doing absolutely nothing to protect, to evaluate, to deter this aggression. Moreover, even after the Russian Federation stopped the massacre here, there was no analysis, no analytical notes, no analysis of this aggression. Here is an assessment of the civilian mission. Do you understand? If someone thinks that if a civilian mission is introduced now, it will be different, then they are mistaken. It will be the same, nothing will really change. Of course, it is fashionable now to talk about the fact that Russia attacked Moldova. Russia did not attack Moldova. Russia stopped this war. Moldova attacked Pridnestrovie, and Russia stopped this war. It is a fact. Peacekeeping forces were brought in, the 1992 Agreement was signed, which determined the behavior of the parties, peacekeeping institutions were created, the Joint Control Commission, the Joint Military Command, which were engaged in maintaining peace in the territory of Pridnestrovie. Therefore, peacekeepers today play a very important role here, of course, on the territory of Pridnestrovie, and in Moldova too. They are the guarantor of peace. There was no aggression from Russia, this is all nonsense and an advantageous position of individual officials.

Moldova is receiving new weapons now, they are delivering them by plane. This is probably worrisome?

The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky:

Of course it's worrisome. One must be objective and understand that the import of weapons is connected not only with the 1992 war and not so much even with Pridnestrovie, but with the general tense geopolitical situation around us, with military operations on the territory of Ukraine. This worries us of course, but I understand as President that this process cannot be stopped. Unfortunately, yes. This is worth paying attention to. Of course, this is a question for Russian peacekeeping. This should be assessed, it should be analyzed what weapons are being received – defensive, offensive, lethal, non-lethal, and so on. Of course, we must think about our armed forces, about our combat readiness and how we will defend ourselves. We are not aggressors. I have spoken about this many times. We do not threaten either Ukraine or Moldova. Of course, we must protect ourselves. Let's protect. There will be no such thing as it was in 1992.


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