The quality of nutrition in educational institutions is under control of the President

02/13/23 12:23

The quality of nutrition in educational institutions is under control of the President

Vadim Krasnoselsky held a videoconference with the heads of state authorities and administration. One of the issues on the working agenda is the state of food units and the quality of food preparation in preschool educational institutions. The President gave instructions earlier to conduct commission visits and check the state of affairs. The Chief Sanitary Doctor of Pridnestrovie informed about the results of control measures and the conclusions drawn. The Commission of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station visited 177 kindergartens with inspections. Natalia Beril stated that there are quite serious violations among the identified ones. It was noted that not all institutions have healthcare professionals. Physicians are present in some kindergartens, but are occupied with the food preparation quality control. Boilers are often used in preschools instead of centralized hot water supply. This is mostly in groups. Kitchens are left without hot water supply that makes it impossible to ensure the safety of kindergarten meals. Repair, replacement of catering equipment, furniture and utensils is required in many cases. It was decided upon completion of the inspection tour to conduct classes with kitchen workers, the purpose of which is to increase the level of hygienic behavior of specialists involved in preparing food for children. The work is already underway.

The heads of state administrations spoke about what is being done on the ground in terms of updating the food units of educational institutions. For example, meals are organized in 60 educational institutions in Tiraspol. The kitchens are mostly equipped to a good standard in schools. Kindergarteners need attention. They expect to put in order and re-equip the food units of kindergartens numbers 9, 18, 25, 43, 48 this year. There are 30 kindergartens and 17 schools in Bendery. 65% of catering units have been refurbished, but many require renovation of the premises. A large amount of work (80% of the need) was carried out in terms of updating ventilation systems. The state of ventilation of most educational institutions is on the contrary unsatisfactory in the Kamenka district. There are questions about the quality of water in addition to the need to modernize food facilities in Slobodzeya district. Its chemical composition does not meet the standards in the villages of Karagash, Parkany and Frunze. According to Vasily Tishchenko, this problem is faced not only in educational institutions, but also in residential buildings. There was a hope to solve it by drilling a new well. It did not help. The composition of the water in the two wells is identical. The issue of organizing chemical treatment was discussed.

They talked in the course of the meeting about the sources of financing for the work to bring food units into proper condition. The expediency of purchasing household kitchen equipment instead of professional equipment for small institutions was discussed. The President focused on constant monitoring of food quality. The sanitary and epidemiological service in his opinion should not be limited to scheduled inspections when it comes to schools and kindergartens, as well as healthcare institutions. The quality of nutrition of citizens is a matter of protecting the life and health of citizens like fire safety, the PMR President emphasized.


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