The President listened to information on the work of departments of the Ministry of Justice

02/09/23 14:21

The President listened to information on the work of departments of the Ministry of Justice

The Ministry of Justice held an expanded Collegium meeting. The results of 2022 were summed up, outlined plans for 2023. The PMR President, the First PMR President, the heads of the legislative and executive bodies of state power, the republic's courts, the PMR Prosecutor's Office, other departments and ministries, as well as the leadership of the subdivisions of the Ministry of Justice of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic listened to the information on the activities of the department. An assessment was made of the work of the Ministry of Justice and recommendations were given for the current year.

The Minister of Justice of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Alexandra Tumba delivered the keynote speech. Quantitative indicators are named in various areas of activity of the structural divisions of the department. Conclusions and proposals aimed at improving its work were voiced.

According to Alexandra Tumba, specialists of the Ministry of Justice conducted during the year an examination of 2896 acts, including 394 endorsed laws. An important component of the work of the department is the verification of legal acts for anti-corruption. Corruptogenic factors were identified in 43 of the audited projects. The employees of the Ministry of Justice are taking measures to improve the current legislation. The speaker spoke about the initiatives proposed by the ministry. She focused on the problematic aspects related to the lack of study by the authors of the projects. We are talking about repeating previously identified errors, referring to outdated norms, an excessive number of exceptions to general rules, and the use of ambiguous wording. The minister considers formalism in the development of projects unacceptable.

The Minister approached in detail the report on the activities of individual departments of the Ministry of Justice: the State Registration and Notary Service of the State Supervision Service, the civil service of bailiffs, the Forensic Examination Department, as well as institutions and enterprises subordinate to the Ministry of Justice of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic – the Educational and Methodological Center, the Republican Bureau of Technical Inventory, the state-owned institution "Legal Literature".

The report provided information on a number of reorganization measures, the participation of the Ministry of Justice in the development of the Pridnestrovian State Services Portal, and a change in the approach to state registration of individual entrepreneurs.

Speaking about notarial activities, the Minister drew attention to the fact that 25 public notaries performed 48829 actions during the year (42.5% of the total), most of the work - 57.5% (66217 actions) – was performed by private notaries, which in Republic 19. Alexandra Tumba indicated that there has been a tendency to reduce the number of notarial acts in recent years. If we compare 2022 with 2021, then the number of applications to public notaries has been reduced by 19%, to private ones – by 25%. One of the main reasons is the reduction in the list of transactions that require mandatory notarial participation.

Inspectors of the State Supervision Service during the year carried out 1403 control measures, identified 2996 violations, and drew up 223 protocols on administrative violations (the total amount of penalties was 215850 rubles). One of the areas of supervision is the timeliness of salary payments. Eight enterprises committed violations in this sphere in 2022. The debt in all cases was promptly repaid. Supervisory activities also affect labor protection issues.

The specialized civil service initiated and conducted 16 special investigations of accidents, 12 of which were fatal in the reporting period. Five were recognized as work occupational accident. Facts of concealment of accidents at work were also registered. As for domestic accidents, those related to the use of gas are of particular concern, according to Alexandra Tumba. 28 people were injured (no deaths) during the year. The speaker touched upon the topic of safe operation of elevators in apartment buildings, noting that their maintenance is not always given due attention.

Speaking about the activities of the Bailiffs Service, the Minister said that 8129 proceedings in 2022were in operation (343 more than a year earlier). 21.6 million rubles were recovered from alimony debtors. An effective measure of influence on non-payers is the temporary restriction of the right to travel outside the country.

Alexandra Tumba focused on the problems faced by the Forensic Examination Department. The structure is completed only by 69%. Nine out of the thirteen staff positions, are occupied. Eight specialists are directly involved in the examinations. At the same time, the burden on management is growing, the head of the department noted. One of the most popular areas is psychological examinations. The number has doubled in five years. 72 submissions were received in 2022. There are 15 in criminal cases and 25 in civil cases to date (18 of them are family disputes regarding children and parental rights). Taking into consideration that only one specialized specialist has been involved in conducting examinations of this category so far, it was decided to create a department of forensic psychological examinations as part of the department, involving an additional two experts.

The Head of the State Penitentiary Service Vitaly Ishchenko acted as a co-rapporteur of the minister during the expanded meeting of the Collegium of the Ministry of Justice of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. He informed about the annual results of the operational and service activities of the unit headed by him. The report included information about the involvement of convicts in labor as an important form of education, as well as work to prepare convicts for life in society after release. It was noted that the paid employment of the special contingent was 78%, but in most others the figure was less than 20% in 2022 in one of the institutions. 28% of prisoners are involved in work on a voluntary basis. Two hundred convicts in institutions of the penitentiary system mastered new professions, having received the appropriate documents in the reporting period. The list of specialties includes a trimmer operator, an electric welder, a lawn mower, a concrete reinforcement worker, a welder of polypropylene pipes, a laundry equipment operator, a chainsaw operator and other professions that are in demand on the labor market. The list of specialties available for obtaining during the period of serving a sentence is being updated and expanded, the speaker noted. He said that now one of the institutions for the execution of punishment is fulfilling a state order for the manufacture of fifty tennis tables.

Speaking about the staffing of the subdivisions of the State Penitentiary Service, the head of the service noted that the total percentage of staffing exceeds 73% (by structural units - from 50% to 95%). The number of those who entered the service is less than the number of those dismissed, while it is important that the ratio is changing compared to 2021: more citizens are employed in the system of the State Penitentiary Service, and less often leave the service.

It was about the provision of medical care to prisoners. According to Vitaly Ishchenko, the medical service is staffed by 76.6% (the figure was much lower – 65.8% a year earlier). The speaker spoke about the forms and results of treatment and prevention activities.

The head of the State Service for the Execution of Sentences dwelled on the infrastructural developments - he spoke about the objects that were paid attention to and about current plans. Vitaly Ishchenko informed about the need to reconstruct five observation towers in one of the institutions, emphasizing that the department currently has the opportunity to repair one of them on its own. They mentioned the work carried out for greater involvement of the special contingent in the field of physical culture and sports.

They spoke at the meeting of the Collegium about the institute of pardon and the practice of parole. 30 requests were satisfied in the line of parole in the reporting period.

Participation in the discussion of the performance results and plans for the future of the Ministry of Justice of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic was taken by the PMR Prosecutor, the head of government and the Parliament Speaker. The President made final speech. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that the personnel of the Ministry of Justice had done a large amount of significant work to ensure the legal connection between the citizen and the state. The PMR President focused on some aspects of the department's activities that need to be improved. He spoke about the need for systematic work to improve the skills of specialists. The activity of the departments of the Ministry of Justice was recognized as satisfactory.


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