The Slobodzeya administration activity was recognized as satisfactory

02/08/23 17:03

The Slobodzeya administration activity was recognized as satisfactory

Vasily Tishchenko presented a report on the activities of the state administration of Slobodzeya district and Slobodzeya. The information was heard via videoconference. The President gave an assessment of the work.

The Head of the Slobodzeya administration drew attention to the fact that the district's revenues have exceeded the planned figures during six years. 2022 is no exception. The treasury received 150 million rubles (108% of the plan). 241.7 million - 88% of the planned cost was spent. Expenditures on socially protected items amounted to 166.25 million, 153.3 million of which were public sector salaries. One million was allocated for lending to peasant farms and young families. The district administration purchased five private houses and six apartments for orphans in the reporting year. Two more one-room apartments were allocated in new houses built under the presidential affordable housing program. Commercial rent of residential premises was paid at the expense of the local budget for 23 persons of this category. Vasily Tishchenko informed that 362 people are currently on the preferential waiting list for housing. 253 residents of the district are registered as those in need of better housing conditions. Seven citizens were provided with dormitory rooms in 2022 as a temporary measure, while another 20 people were registered.

The implementation of development programs in the reporting year was complicated by external circumstances, due to which funding was suspended and reduced. Nevertheless, it was possible to carry out work in the Slobodzeya district for a total amount of about 15 million rubles by means the capital investment fund 2022. Vasily Tishchenko noted that about 120 million rubles have been invested in the social infrastructure of the Slobodzeya district over the years of the state program of capital investments. The focus was on educational institutions in 2022. Attention in terms of repair work was paid to schools of Ternovka and Parkany, the Slobodzeya lyceum-complex, and the Luchik kindergarten. Adjacent territories were put in order at four sites (the schools of Blijny Khutor, Pervomaisk and Slobodzeya, as well as the Teremok kindergarten in Chobruchi) – the total area of paving yards with paving slabs amounted to 2848 square meters. Local waste treatment facilities, which use modern wastewater treatment technology, were built for the municipal preschool educational institution "Berezonka" of Parkany. Running tracks with artificial turf appeared at the school in the village of Krasnenkoe. The construction of a new gas boiler house for the Day Care Center for Children with Disabilities in Chobruchi has begun. The facility is a transitional one, work including the laying of external networks of electricity, gas, heat and water supply, will continue this year.

Roofing work was carried out in the House of culture of Frunze and Nezavertailovka. Significant progress has been made in the reconstruction of the summer cinema. The restored facility is expected to be put into operation by September 2, 2023. Design estimates have been prepared for the creation of a multifunctional sports complex in Slobodzeya, the construction of which is planned to begin this year. The Head of the district focused on the reconstruction of the "Kitskansky bridgehead" memorial complex.

Vasily Tishchenko emphasized that the district does not rely solely on state support, but strives for self-development. The President repeatedly pointed out the importance of such joint participation in the improvement and development of the settlements of the republic. Many social facilities of the Slobodzeya District were given the necessary attention by implementing municipal targeted programs, the total amount of which was 12 million rubles. In addition to educational institutions, funds were invested in the infrastructure of the sphere of culture and sports – the House of Culture in the villages of Kitskany and Korotnoye, as well as the children's youth sports football school. Work was underway to improve the city beach. Administrative buildings, premises of strongholds of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, memorable places and memorials were put in order.

7238 units of planting material were purchased at the expense of the local budget for carrying out landscaping work during the year. 4738 flowers, 538 deciduous and 17 coniferous trees, 1300 lavender bushes and 600 roses were planted. Another one and a half thousand rose bushes provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and a thousand seedlings of perennial plants were rooted at various points in the region as part of a nationwide Saturday volunteer work. 144 emergency trees were cut down to ensure safety. Increased attention was paid to the establishment of sanitary order at the landfills of solid household waste (Sukleya, Chobruchi, Parkany) and the elimination of unauthorized garbage dumps (Slobodzeya, Parkany, Karagash).

The Head of the district spoke in detail about the repair of roads and the renewal of related infrastructure. 33.7 million rubles were spent. The program included the highways Tiraspol – Kamenka, Bendery – Kopanka – Kitskany, Speya – Bychok – Parkany and Brest – Chisinau – Odessa with asphalt concrete pavement, as well as gravel sections intended for the movement of heavy trucks. The roadway was expanded along Sovetskaya Street in Korotnoye. On the road Glinoe – Raskiatsy took measures to prevent landslides. The road surface was replaced with cement-concrete in Sukleya, Chobruchi, Glynoye and Slobodzeya. Pothole repairs were carried out as needed. 2 million rubles were spent on paving public places with paving slabs. About four hundred road signs have been installed or replaced. Five new stopping points have been equipped. Almost five million were allocated for the reconstruction of storm sewer networks. Work continues to provide street lighting. 225 lanterns were installed, providing artificial lighting for 10315 meters of streets and roads in the Slobodzeya district in 2022. According to Vasily Tishchenko, the illumination today is 35.5%.

The housing and communal services sector of the district is represented by seven enterprises. 121 apartment buildings are being serviced. 5560 square meters of roofs of eight houses were overhauled during the year. Cosmetic repairs were carried out in 34 entrances. Street lighting was provided by 19 high-rise buildings. 100 thousand cubic meters of solid waste were removed during the year. There are 33830 private households in the district. 29817 owners signed a contract for garbage collection, said Vasily Tishchenko.

The Head informed about the commissioning in 2022 of ten trade and construction facilities, the Slobodzeya fruit processing and storage complex, a dairy farm in Ternovka, as well as two boiler houses.

The speaker focused on agricultural activities, emphasizing that the region is agricultural. 472 land users are involved. The area of agricultural land is 61561.53 hectares. 27433 hectares of winter crops, 25796 hectares of cereals and legumes were sown, 1250 hectares were given to vegetables for the harvest of 2022. Vasily Tishchenko recalled that the yield in the reporting period was low due to the death of crops due to adverse weather conditions – frost and drought. The head of the district informed that for the harvest of 2023, winter crops were sown for grain on an area of 24.5 thousand hectares. The Head of the district said that last year support in the form of subsidies was provided to 19 farms engaged in animal husbandry (total amount of 2.5 million rubles).

The educational sphere of the Slobodzeya district is represented by fifty organizations. Half of them are schools, where 6291 students receive education. Two dozen kindergartens are attended by 2559 preschool children. Four thousand children are employed in institutions of additional education. 19 people are pupils of the Chobruchi specialized day care center. These are mainly wheelchair users, and therefore it is important that a mechanism for centralized delivery of children to the Center and return home in the evening was thought out for them, Vasily Tishchenko emphasized. 2198 employees provide educational process in the region, 1228 of them are teachers. Vasily Tishchenko said that children representing the education sector of the Slobodzeya district won 178 prizes in 19 republican competitions last year. In the line of choreographic and vocal art, local groups brought 25 awards from 11 international competitions. In general, Slobodzeya talents took part in 18 international and 23 republican projects. According to the speaker, there are two dozen houses of culture and 174 amateur groups in the region, which involve more than two thousand people. They held two thousand events during the year, which were attended by 171639 people. 220 thematic events were organized in the region as part of the Year of Health, 148 – under the Equal Opportunities program, 844 were aimed at patriotic education of young people. Vasily Tishchenko did not disregard the preservation of library culture in the area. The district network consists of 23 units. The library fund was replenished with 3.5 thousand copies of books and printed materials in 2022. There are branches of the Slobodzeya Museum Association in six villages of the district, which actively cooperate with the Tourism Agency.

One and a half dozen kinds of sports are cultivated in regional institutions, 1698 pupils are engaged, 79 trainers-teachers provide the training process. 45 district-level events were held during the year. Local sportsmen participated in 130 competitions, winning 529 awards (154 first, 167 second, 208 third). For the first time, the football festival “Dad, Mom, I am a Football Family” was held at the Slobodzeya Stadium in 2022, as well as the regional stage of the Leather Ball tournament. Vasily Tishchenko emphasized the high level of preparation and focus on the victory of young Slobodzeya football players.

Talking about demographic indicators, the speaker said that 208 boys and 174 girls were born in the region during the year, two hundred families were created, 189 marriages were dissolved (50 less than a year earlier). The district administration received over 600 appeals from citizens during the year. 106 of them with requests for financial assistance. Many requests are related to the improvement of living conditions and the repair of the roadway in certain areas. Vasily Tishchenko said that in 2022 the updated website of the Slobodzeya state administration entered the top ten in the republic in terms of the quality of content and accessibility of information.

The Head of the Slobodzeya administration Vasily Tishchenko at the end of the report addressed a number of clarifying and supplementing questions, identified problematic aspects that needed attention. They spoke, for example, about the need to update the material and technical base of housing and communal enterprises, as well as about the repair and re-equipment of most food units of educational institutions. A programmatic approach seems to be appropriate in both cases. They discussed the possibility of providing additional services by structures of local administrations on a paid basis. It was noted that it is necessary to take measures to strengthen the authority and enhance the practical significance of rural and settlement administrations. They focused on the problem of tax arrears in such areas as land use, entrepreneurship, and the use of natural resources. The problem is systemic in nature and requires an appropriate approach to the solution, they said at the meeting. The Slobodzeya administration was aimed at optimizing costs and intensifying work in terms of economic development: the income and expenses of the district should strive for balance, while the difference between receipts to the district treasury and spending is significant (with a significant excess of expenditure). The President noted that more attention should be paid to small and medium-sized businesses in this regard. This direction is as important as for any other for the agricultural region. Another recommendation made during the discussion is to strengthen the construction sector.

Summing up, the President recognized the work of the Slobodzeya state administration as satisfactory. Like most of the meeting participants, Vadim Krasnoselsky focused on personal contribution of Vasily Tishchenko to the common cause of the development of the district. The President noted the high level of interdepartmental cooperation, urged not to hush up problems, but to look for effective solutions through joint efforts.


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