The President heard information about the activities of the PMR Ministry of Internal Affairs following the results of 2022 and recognized it as satisfactory

01/31/23 13:39

The President heard information about the activities of the PMR Ministry of Internal Affairs following the results of 2022 and recognized it as satisfactory

Meeting of the Collegium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic took place today. The work of the department was discussed. The reporting period is 2022. The format is videoconferencing. The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky took part in the discussion. Keynote speaker was Vitaly Neagu. The Minister summed up the results of the operational and service activities of the bodies, divisions and institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, and outlined the tasks, the solution of which is designed to contribute to its improvement. According to him, the reporting period was difficult for employees of the internal affairs bodies, as well as for the entire republic. In addition to fulfilling the tasks fundamental for the department, law enforcement officers were actively involved in measures to prevent and prevent the spread of coronavirus, provided assistance to foreign citizens temporarily staying in Pridnestrovie due to special geopolitical circumstances. A large amount of work was related to ensuring law and order within the limits of the level of terrorist threat established in the country. The speaker noted at the same time, that the internal affairs bodies are experiencing a shortage of personnel. The staffing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs today is 71%. The personnel number was reduced by 3% during the year.

The activities of law enforcement agencies in numbers: 3098 crimes were registered in 2022 (3.9% more than a year earlier). 506 are classified as serious (+13% compared to 2021), 203 are especially serious (+20%). 40% of particularly serious crimes are related to drug trafficking and bribery. We are talking about terrorist and sabotage activities in 15 cases. 177 crimes were committed in public places (an increase of 15.7%). A noticeable decrease in the level of this type of crime was recorded in most territorial militia departments, while the figure increased on the contrary in Tiraspol and Bendery.

420 crimes were committed by groups of persons, 1524 - by non-working people, 175 – by minors, 681 – by previously convicted persons, 418 – by citizens in a state of alcoholic intoxication. 133 accidents were recorded on the roads of the republic (41 of which collisions of vehicles and 48 collisions with pedestrians). Drivers were drunk in 13 cases. 17 people died, 172 were injured as a result of traffic accidents in 2022. The number of so-called unregistered accidents exceeded 2600. The Accident Registration program was developed and launched in 2022 that allows analyzing the situation and identifying accident concentration spots on the roads. The drivers who were registered for the use of narcotic drugs are under special control. In 2022, 78 people were brought to justice for driving under the influence of drugs. 76 modern breathalyzers were purchased for prompt examination of drivers directly at the place where the car stopped. They were used 302 times during six months. Drivers were drunk in 172 cases.

Vitaly Neagu said speaking about the detection of crimes that it is 80.1% in terms of criminal cases, 87.7%in economic crimes, 94.1% in the area of public security. The figures are lower in general than a year earlier, the minister stated. At the same time, he considers that the negative statistics is more associated with a change in the form of reporting: some categories of cases that were previously classified as solved when entered into the database are now classified as unsolved. Vitaly Neagu informed that all murders and rapes were solved in the reporting period. 100% detection rate is for crimes such as causing property damage through deceit or breach of trust, as well as for abuse of power. A decrease in the practical indicators of disclosure is observed in relation to theft, robbery, hooliganism, infliction of grievous bodily harm, evasion of payment of alimony. Vitaly Neagu emphasized that analytical and practical work is underway to improve the activities of law enforcement agencies in these areas. Relevant meetings were held with the participation of a wide range of specialists of the relevant profile.

The Minister of Internal Affairs focused on some high-profile criminal cases uncovered last year. There are murder, theft, fraud, tax evasion among them.

Vitaly Neagu devoted part of his report to the fight against illicit trafficking in drugs and psychotropic substances. 217 such crimes were revealed (97 - sale). Statistics on crimes committed by persons in a state of drug intoxication are deteriorating at the same time: plus 17% for the year. More than 2.2 thousand people connected with drug trafficking are registered with the internal affairs bodies. The main drug traffic is from Moldova.

As for economic crimes: 372 facts were revealed during 2022, which is 6% more than in 2021. Twice as many as a year earlier, criminal cases related to bribery and illegal movement of goods across the state border. The amount of damages compensated to the state in criminal cases is 34.6 million rubles, 13 million in tax crimes. The owners were returned 21.5 million rubles in the reporting year (this is seven times more than in 2020).

The speaker informed about the work to combat corruption. He spoke about the Code of Professional Ethics of employees and employees of bodies and departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, introduced last year, the program of anti-corruption education developed by the legal institute, new special courses and disciplines, including in the republican cadet corps. The Minister focused on the revealed facts of corruption manifestations. Criminal cases against officials of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were mentioned. It was noted that 68 cases were initiated against employees of the internal affairs bodies in connection with the commission of corruption crimes during the year.

The activity of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the field of protecting the population in emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature was mentioned by the head of the law enforcement department. Vitaly Neagu emphasized the growing relevance of the prompt execution of the presidential order to create a Crisis Management Center on the basis of the General Directorate for Emergency Situations. The project has been developed. The preliminary cost of its implementation is 8.5 million rubles. Work in this direction is underway. An automated system for recording information about the Thunderstorm emergency is already in operation, the minister said.

Speaking about the training of the personnel of the Main Department for Emergency Situations, Vitaly Neagu said that 132 fire-tactical exercises were held during the year (80 during the day and 52 at night), as well as republican competitions in rescue and fire-applied sports. There are training modules.

Fire departments visited fire sites 2304 times (twice as many as in 2021). 55 people were rescued. 19 people died in 302 fires, 17 were injured, 34 buildings, 9 vehicles, 27 cattle, 30 tons of grain and leguminous crops, 162 tons of roughage were destroyed. The total material damage from fires in monetary terms is 8.2 million rubles, while the saved material assets are estimated at 42.3 million rubles.

Specialists of the General Directorate for Emergency Situations rescued six people during the swimming season, five of them outside the equipped beaches. Six citizens drowned on the territory of the republic. All accidents occurred in places not intended for swimming. All of them were in a state of intoxication. 64 lifeguards were on duty daily on the city beaches during the season. 450 pairs of children's sleeves were purchased for safe swimming on behalf of the President.

Vitaly Neagu spoke about the improvement of the material and technical base of the Main Directorate for Emergency Situations. 75 automobile and 80 portable radio stations, 15 pumps for fire trucks, 300 fire hoses and 100 sets of firefighter combat clothing were purchased. The minister focused on the President-initiated increase in salaries for firefighters who are directly involved in extinguishing fires. Specialists of this profile will receive an increased salary in February. The speaker spoke about the training of young personnel. Rescue technicians have been trained on the basis of the Slobodzeya Polytechnic College since last year. Students are provided with uniforms. The first graduates are already employed.

Summing up the results of activities in 2022, the Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs focused on measures to counter the spread of COVID-19, support for refugees, special conditions of service when declaring a "red" level of terrorist threat. He spoke about the training of personnel on the basis of the Tiraspol Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, the participation of cadets of the Law Institute and employees of various departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic in public, cultural and sports events. Vitaly Neagu said that the Tiraspol Law Institute graduated 64 graduates last year, 55 cadets were enrolled. 187 children study in the cadet corps (for 20 years of the functioning of the educational institution – one and a half thousand graduates). A unique institution is the Republican Educational Complex named after Makarenko. 25 teenagers are now studying, classified as difficult in the educational complex subordinated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. The minister spoke about the achievements of the Dynamo Center physical culture and sports society, two volleyball clubs and sports associations created at each militia department. It was about the participation of law enforcement officers in volunteer and research work, including the excavation and exhumation of the remains of victims of political repression, as well as the organization of leisure and health improvement for children of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The minister focused on interaction with the media and the public, the functioning of hotlines. He spoke about solving the housing problem. A new residential complex is being built – 11 three-story buildings for 132 apartments. The militiamen are participants in shared construction. District inspectors take advantage of preferential mortgage lending. The speaker spoke about the work carried out to improve the conditions of service, implemented infrastructure projects.

Concluding the report, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic emphasized that the criminal situation in the country remained stable and controlled in the reporting year. Vitaly Neagu expressed his gratitude to the personnel for their responsible attitude to the performance of official duties.

The Prosecutor of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic spoke in the course of the meeting of the Collegium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, highlighting the problematic aspects of the activities of law enforcement agencies in his opinion. Anatoly Guretsky focused on the issues of interdepartmental cooperation. The First President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Igor Smirnov asked about the measures taken to solve personnel problems.

The President summarized the announced information at the end of the reporting and discussion part of the event. Vadim Krasnoselsky drew attention to the need for a correct approach to the formation of statistical data, their analysis and conclusions. The PMR President outlined a direct relationship between various types of crimes: an increase in their number in one segment inevitably leads to an increase in crime in other, more serious ones. The PMR President emphasized that the work should be comprehensive.

Among the tasks set by the President for the current period is the improvement of service conditions for employees of internal affairs bodies. Vadim Krasnoselsky drew attention to the support provided by the city and district authorities. The PMR President spoke about the importance of decent financial incentives for law enforcement officers. Work in this direction will be continued. An important aspect for strengthening the personnel potential of the department is the solution of the personnel issue for a larger number of employees in the opinion of the President. The Ministry of Internal Affairs actively participates in the state program for the construction of affordable housing. The residential complex currently under construction is the 12th project in which the ministry is involved. The President urged not to stop. He outlined some options that are currently being discussed.

Development of a warning system without the use of mobile communications is Among the presidential instructions, announced at the meeting of the Collegium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic.

Increased attention according to the President is still required by the problem of road accidents committed by persons who are in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication or who are registered accordingly.

In addition, militia officers will have to focus on the implementation by citizens and legal entities of new legislative norms in the field of entrepreneurship and construction, as well as the law on public procurement.

Vadim Krasnoselsky mentioned the Pokrovsky park in the capital, located next to the administrative building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and supervised by employees of the department for several years. The President drew attention to the need to complete the landscaping work and constantly maintain order at the facility.

Speaking about interagency cooperation, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that it should be systematic and productive at all levels.

The President recognized the work of law enforcement structures of the republic in general as satisfactory. According to Vadim Krasnoselsky, the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs coped with all the challenges that arose last year. He called the law enforcement system the foundation of society and expressed gratitude to each militia officer for their contribution to ensuring the life of the state.


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