The President congratulated Archbishop of Tiraspol and Dubossary Sawa and all Orthodox Christians on the Epiphany

01/19/23 13:13

The President congratulated Archbishop of Tiraspol and Dubossary Sawa and all Orthodox Christians on the Epiphany

The Orthodox world celebrates on the 19th of January one of the greatest holidays – the Epiphany. Congratulations were exchanged today by the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky and the Archbishop of Tiraspol and Dubossary Sawa. The meeting was held at the presidential executive office.

The Archbishop spoke about the all-night vigil held on the eve of the day of Epiphany and today's festive rite of the great blessing of water. The Archbishop celebrated Divine Liturgies in the capital's Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ, blessing the citizens of Tiraspol and the guests of the city to fill the vessels with blessed water. The Archbishop noted that the churches of the republic are very crowded. Such a gathering of parishioners have not been here for years on the territory of the cathedral, according to Vladyka.

Congratulating the Archbishop, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that he greets in the person of Vladyka Sawa all the clergy and every truly believing Orthodox Christian on this holiday. The President wished everyone peace and health. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted the importance of introducing citizens to the Orthodox culture and traditions of their ancestors. History and traditions are shaped by people, according to Vadim Krasnoselsky. This is one of the most important manifestations of true democracy. The PMR President recalled that a variety of confessions are represented in Pridnestrovie, but Orthodoxy has a special role, which is also the choice of the people.

The interlocutors said that the growth of the flock including among young people is facilitated by the construction of new churches. They mentioned the church of St. Tatiana built at Pridnestrovian State University. Service had been held in it for the first time today. The rector of the university church Father Sergius invited the Archbishop to celebrate the Divine Liturgy here on January 25th. This is the Day of the Great Martyr Tatiana in the church calendar, and the holiday of students in the secular calendar. Vladyka Sawa said that he had accepted the invitation.

They talked about the Church of the Archangel Michael in Khonekh, which is being built in the village of Pervomaisk, Slobodzeya District. Vladyka noted that the domes are ready for installation. Weather conditions did not allow lifting them previously.

The meeting participants discussed various aspects of state-church interaction. They exchanged views on some plans and projects, the implementation of which is expected in the coming year.


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