HRC member Alexander Brod will appeal to the Russian Foreign Ministry and the State Duma regarding amendments on separatism in Moldova

01/17/23 16:15

HRC member Alexander Brod will appeal to the Russian Foreign Ministry and the State Duma regarding amendments on separatism in Moldova

Their adoption will lead to further conflict, the Russian human rights activist believes

Tiraspol-Moscow, January 17. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Alexander Brod, a member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights (HRC), will appeal to the Russian Foreign Ministry, the State Duma, and the Federation Council because of the amendments that are planned to be made to the Criminal Code of Moldova. This is reported by the Russian Legal Information Agency (RAPSI).

According to the Russian human rights activist, the amendments may create new difficulties for the residents of Pridnestrovie, allowing them to “crank out” criminal cases for separatism against them. There is also a risk for Russian peacekeepers, diplomats, entrepreneurs, journalists, and public figures who are in the PMR.

Alexander Brod believes that the Russian authorities should respond to the situation and take "necessary political and economic measures." He stressed that about 200 thousand citizens of Pridnestrovie also have Russian passports.

Recall: at the end of 2022, the Moldovan Parliament adopted in the first reading a bill introducing eight new articles into the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova, including “Separatism” and “Conspiracy against Moldova”, as well as several new concepts (“anti-constitutional subject”, “illegal information structure”). Legal experts suggested that the amendments could be directed against Pridnestrovians as well.

“Already now, the Moldovan authorities are detaining residents of Pridnestrovie on their territory, subjecting them to humiliating interrogations and searches. The new amendments will finally give Moldovan security forces a free hand,” Alexander Brod is worried. 

He predicts that the amendments to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova can be finally approved at the end of winter - early spring of this year.

“This whole situation is leading to further conflict, to an aggravation of the situation in the region.The Western patrons of Moldova, who have long dreamed of absorbing Pridnestrovie and neutralizing Russian influence, are interested in this” the Russian human rights activist stressed.


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