Extended meeting under the President: results of the Year of Health

01/17/23 13:15

Extended meeting under the President: results of the Year of Health

The results of the completed Year of Healthcare were summed up in the second part of the extended meeting of the heads of state authorities and administration. The past 2022 was declared Year of Healthcare by a presidential decree. The Minister of Healthcare Christina Albul informed today the President and colleagues about the implementation of the relevant action plan that included 42 points. The main directions are: promotion of a healthy lifestyle, improvement of the procedure for providing medical care, improvement of the healthcare system and improvement of medical infrastructure. Christina Albul noted that she considers the year fruitful. She announced the main figures. Informing about the health care of the children's population, she spoke about a noticeable intensification of the state program, under which specialists from non-state medical institutions - TiraMed and Medin - provide medical and advisory assistance to minors, as well as conduct functional and laboratory research for example. The practice of hip arthroplasty continues outside the republic. 276 citizens of the republic in 2022 were sent to foreign clinics for the operation at the expense of the Pridnestrovian budget. 61 such operations were performed on the basis of the Republican Clinical Hospital. In addition, doctors from the Republican Clinical Hospital performed the first five knee replacements in December. The minister considers the opening of a clinical and diagnostic department for the treatment of chronic viral hepatitis at the site of the Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases an important achievement (267 people have already been covered). Sanatorium recovery is practiced at the expense of the republican budget of citizens who have suffered a severe form of COVID-19. The Head of the department considers the Health Train action to be an effective tool for prevention. During the year, doctors of narrow specialties conducted on-site receptions of citizens in more than 40 rural settlements. The state paid for advanced training courses for 400 doctors and 700 paramedical specialists to improve the level of professionalism of doctors. In order to retain personnel in 2022, the Ministry of Health has developed a new remuneration mechanism the foundation of which is the assessment of the performance of each individual employee. The practical implementation of the pilot project will begin in 2023 at the Republican Clinical Hospital. Work to improve the infrastructure of medical institutions continued despite economic difficulties. Positive changes have affected the obstetric and gynecological hospital of the Mother and Child Center in Bendery and the polyclinic in Grigoriopol. Design and estimate documentation that is necessary to start repair and construction work has been prepared for many objects.

The minister focused on educational work aimed at popularizing a healthy lifestyle, noting close cooperation with various authorities, educational and public organizations, and the media.

The President addressed the speaker with a number of clarifying and detailing questions. For example, he asked about the amounts allocated for the treatment of Pridnestrovians abroad. 37 million – in 2022. 42 million rubles have been allocated in the country's budget for these purposes for 2023. For comparison, funding for this article was limited to three million in 2017. It was noted that 403 patients with acute coronary syndrome were sent to Chisinau clinics at the expense of the Pridnestrovian budget in the reporting period. In addition, forty citizens of the PMR were installed (replaced) in foreign medical institutions with pacemakers, Christina Albul said. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized the importance of this practice, noting that it should be continued in areas that are not yet available within the Pridnestrovian healthcare system.

Other participants in the extended meeting participated in the discussion. They talked about breakthrough positive changes in the field of arthroplasty and the treatment of hepatitis, for example. They asked about vaccination against coronavirus and influenza, emphasizing the expediency of collective immunization confirmed by the successful practice of combating COVID-19. Social activists consider it necessary to carry out organized vaccination campaigns in labor collectives. Among the questions addressed to the Minister of Health is the implementation of projects related to electronic appointments with doctors. Christina Albul noted that this work was started last year and will be continued. Polyclinics No. 3 and No. 5 of the capital will launch the Electronic Registry system in 2023.

Vadim Krasnoselsky noted at the end of the discussion part that he considered the implementation of the action plan within the framework of the Year of Healthcare to be satisfactory, expressing gratitude to everyone who was involved in this work.


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