Excursion-inspection visit of the President to socially significant objects of Ocnitsa

12/13/22 17:54

Excursion-inspection visit of the President to socially significant objects of Ocnitsa

The smallest of the schools of Kamenka district inspected by the President today is the school of Oknitsa. The preschool block is attended by six pupils, 13 pupils study at the school. Teaching staff includes 9 specialists. The facility occupies two buildings. The one that is considered new was built in 1964, the old one was built in 1928. Both are involved. The roof, windows, doors have been replaced, the sewerage system and office lighting have been updated in recent years. A stone fence was constructed around the complex. The school yard is being tiled. From what needs to be done to create more comfortable and safe conditions for children to stay in an educational institution, they singled out the replacement of floors in the classrooms (they are still wooden). An object that deserves special attention and that the school staff urgently asks for is the gym. It so happened that there was no room for physical education at all initially and for several decades in the educational institution. The omission was corrected in the early 90s of the last century by building a sports hall on the basis of a building. High domed ceilings created a special atmosphere. The object was successfully used until 2005. It had to be closed as being in an inappropriate technical condition. There were no funds for reconstruction. Physical education lessons are held on a playground in a rural park during warm days, classes are held in classrooms when it's cold, preference is often given to chess and checkers. The administration does not lose hope to restore the school gym. They addressed with this request personally to the President today. Vadim Krasnoselsky became interested in the project. It was instructed to carry out the necessary calculations.

The PMR President asked about the funds allocated to the school. 367 thousand rubles were allocated for the improvement of the school yard and the replacement of entrance doors in the outgoing year. The funding provided for in the 2023 budget is 1.5 million. This is without taking into account the cost of reconstructing the gym.

The President inspected other rural facilities. All of them are located within walking distance and are in demand among local residents. The Oknitsa administration building houses a post office, a feldsher-obstetric station and a library. Next door is the modern Casa Mare (this is a local banquet hall where the villagers hold almost all events). There is a special pride of the inhabitants of Oknitsa near the House of Culture. Cozy, well-equipped and furnished, it acquired a modern look in 2016. Four creative teams are engaged here on a permanent basis (there is also an exemplary one). Classes are attended by 28 people of different ages. They told Vadim Krasnoselsky that the scene of the Palace of Culture is rarely idle, the hall is not empty. Cultural events bring together residents not only of Oknitsa, but also of neighboring villages. The President noted that Kamenka district is the leader in the number of reconstructed recreation centers. Patiently waiting for the repair of the House of Culture of Severinovka and Grushka, said the head of the district Vladimir Bychkov.

Another significant location for the villagers is the temple. It bears the name of the patron saint of the village Demetrius of Thessalonica in Oknitsa. The church was wooden in ancient times. A stone building was built in 1808. There was a diesel station and a retail outlet on the holy site during the Soviet period. The time of the revival of the temple fell on the 90s of the last century. Rector Father Valentin said that services were held in abandoned church walls at first. Ancient images began to appear under the layers of plaster. One of them is the face of the Prophet Elijah, who is still watching the parishioners today. The church acquired its present appearance in 2016. It was solemnly opened after reconstruction together with the House of Culture on the 8th of November, the day of the village.

Vadim Krasnoselsky took gifts to the capital from Oknitsa – crafts made by the pupils of the House of Culture and an icon depicting the royal family.


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