Meeting on improving the healthcare system was held at the presidential executive office

09/22/22 13:00

Meeting on improving the healthcare system was held at the presidential executive office

Work to develop an optimal mechanism for the operation of the healthcare system continues on behalf of the PMR President. Workshops are held at different levels and at different venues. The coordinating function is entrusted to the Administration of the PMR President. Another extended meeting was held today. Representatives of the government, the legislature, the Ministry of Health and leading medical institutions discussed the collected developments and proposals. The concept of the proposed changes was presented by the Minister of Health Christina Albul.

The main aspects of the planned modernization of the medical sphere: the final and widespread transition to a three-tier system of medical care, strengthening the primary care, reducing the number of beds, optimal redistribution and strengthening of the personnel component, increasing the level of remuneration of employees of state medical institutions. Various optimization options were proposed at the meeting. They discussed the expected effect, voiced the possible consequences. The hospitals centralization and the intensification of the work of feldsher obstetric stations, rural medical outpatient clinics and polyclinics are seen as optimal at the moment. The participants of the meeting consider it expedient to provide the management of medical institutions with the opportunity to independently form the staffing table (avoiding outdated standardized standards) and distribute funding that will be allocated by the state in the same amount as before. It is proposed to start preparatory and organizational activities in medical institutions from October 1 in order to be able to completely switch to the new mechanism from January 1.

Today's conclusions are intermediate. It was instructed to additionally prepare some calculations and analytical reports. The discussion on the topical issue for the entire Pridnestrovian society, the issue of improving the healthcare system, will be continued in the working order.


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