Almost 49 thousand citizens have arrived in Pridnestrovie from Ukraine since the beginning of February

09/12/22 13:35

Almost 49 thousand citizens have arrived in Pridnestrovie from Ukraine since the beginning of February

Now almost 400 children attend Pridnestrovian schools, while 267 kids go to kindergartens

Tiraspol, September 12. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Since the end of February, more than 48,800 Ukrainian refugees have entered Pridnestrovie. Over 40.5 thousand of them registered in the republic.

1,885 people have lived in the refugee centers. According to the press center of the MIA, 158 people live there now, including 55 children.

Pridnestrovian kindergartens accepted 267 kids from Ukraine, almost 400 children are currently attending schools.


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