Pridnestrovie celebrated the main state holiday

09/02/22 08:30

Pridnestrovie celebrated the main state holiday

Festive events dedicated to the 32nd anniversary of the formation of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic were held throughout Pridnestrovie. Solemn meetings, flower-laying ceremonies, concerts, thematic exhibitions and meetings are held in towns and villages. Numerous entertainment platforms are involved. The central square of the Pridnestrovian capital is the venue for official celebrations of the state level. The first persons of the country, heads of state authorities, ministries, departments, institutions, enterprises, public organizations, clergy, military personnel, the youth gathered at the Tiraspol Memorial of Glory to honor the memory of the heroes who in different historical periods defended the peace in the Pridnestrovian land at the cost of their lives. There was traditional minute of silence in their honor. The buried at the memorial complex by the defenders of Pridnestrovie are fanned by the warmth and light of the Eternal Flame, symbolizing the undying memory of grateful descendants. The President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic Vadim Krasnoselsky lowered a memorial wreath to the marble slabs with their names. The participants of the solemn ceremony left a scattering of flowers on the gravestones and at the pedestals of the monuments of the memorial complex.


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