The President inspected the progress of repair and construction work at some facilities of Bendery

07/28/22 14:21

The President inspected the progress of repair and construction work at some facilities of Bendery

The transformation of Bendery continues. Social infrastructure is being updated, public places are being reconstructed and improved, roads are being put in order. Particular attention is paid to objects of historical value. One of these is a complex of buildings located in the center of Bendery, the main of which was built more than a century ago as the building of a women's gymnasium. It housed in the post-war years a financial and credit technical school, later – the Polytechnic educational institution of Bendery, then the border commandant's office. The object was returned to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education in 2005: students of the Bendery Polytechnic Lyceum-College studied here. The building was in need of a major overhaul. Work has begun. The issue of using the restored premises for the halls of the Pridnestrovian State Art Museum is being discussed. There are design developments. One and a half thousand squares of the covered area will allow not only to present to visitors the richness of the museum's funds, but to allocate rooms for an art salon and restoration workshops that will serve all the museums of the republic (there are more than four dozen of them). The President, who visited Kalinin Street, 43 with an inspection, supports the idea as such. The PMR President together with the leadership of the Government, the State Council for Culture, the city and the museum, inspected the premises, discussed options for accommodating museum locations, technical issues, and design. The Head of the State Service for Culture and Historical Heritage Maria Kyrmyz, speaking about the plans, noted that there is an idea to make the storage facility, which will be located in the same building, accessible to visitors, that is, part of the excursion offer. Open storage funds are a practice actively used in the world. Now only a quarter of the works available in the bins of the museum are exhibited. There is also an idea to create a park of Soviet sculpture on the new museum site. There are a lot of ideas. It is planned to involve not only the premises, but also the adjacent territory – a plot of 4.5 thousand square meters. If the area allows, they will think over a small themed cafe for the convenience of guests. A weighty argument in favor of using the building as a museum is that it is in itself a valuable exhibit that tells about the history of the city. Another important aspect is the location next to the city museum. This is an advantage from the point of view of organizing tourist routes: a kind of museum complex will be formed. The fate of the building, which now houses the Pridnestrovian State Art Museum, was also discussed. A proposal to host an archival service is being considered.

Another reconstructed object that was examined by Vadim Krasnoselsky is known to the people of Bendery as the Pushkin Auditorium. The building is located on Kavriago Street. It was built in 1900-1902. It was used for social events – balls, performances, discussion meetings. It is said that a society against drunkenness gathered here. A medical institution was located within these walls during the First World War. The fact of visiting the infirmary by Emperor Nicholas II is documented. There is evidence that later famous performers, including Vertinsky, performed in the audience. The building housed the Center for Russian Culture until 1939. It was almost completely destroyed during the Great Patriotic War. The building grew up on the ruins in 1957, in which production was organized - a silk-winding factory. With the opening of the silk factory, the need for this facility disappeared. The building was empty in the 80s, s students of the Bendery Art College studied there in the mid-90. The building is currently undergoing renovations. Considering the dilapidation of the structure, the first stage is the strengthening of the main structures. The implementation of the project as a whole will take more than one year, the participants of the field meeting said. The issue of building an attic floor is being discussed. The renovated area will most likely be used as an exhibition hall. Art workshops can be organized here. Funding is expected from the Capital Investment Fund. The city is also looking for these funds.

The President visited the operating buildings, which train professional artists and sculptors. To be more precise, the rector and examination reviews of student works of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “The Higher Art College of Bendery named after Victor Postoykin” are conducted in these premises. The best creations of graduates are stored here. 119 people are studying at the college to date. The first graduation of designers, a specialty that is in demand in the new realities will take place next year. Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about the need to provide an educational institution with modern technology. The college leadership voiced the need for computer technology. The request will be formed and sent to the Presidential Administration.

The next point of the inspection route of the PMR President in Bendery is Oktyabrsky Park. It is being put in order as part of the general improvement of the city embankment. The infrastructure of the park, founded in the 60s of the last century, is outdated. The landscaping around the monument is in an active stage now. The old pavement of sidewalks, footpaths, flights of stairs was dismantled. Engineering networks – the power supply and irrigation systems was updated. There is a lot of work to be done on paving the site with paving slabs, installing modern lanterns, benches, pergolas, rotundas, as well as landscaping.

Vadim Krasnoselsky visited the Alexander Nevsky Park. Improvement work is also going on there. A zone of attractions - for children and for older visitors is created. The facility is expected to be commissioned in September. A shopping mall is also under construction. It was decided to replace the wooden tents with capital buildings designed in the style of a fortress. Vadim Krasnoselsky discussed with the leadership of the Bendery fortress and the city administration further plans for the development of leisure infrastructure. They talked about the events planned to be held in the park and the citadel of the fortress.


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