The President is on a working visit to Grigoriopol district

07/06/22 12:00

The President is on a working visit to Grigoriopol district

The working day of the President began in Grigoriopol region. Vadim Krasnoselsky met with the local leadership. They discussed the life of the region, talked about the improvement of settlements - implemented projects and plans for the future. The Head of the administration of Grigoriopol Oleg Gabuzha and the Chairman of the city district council Andrey Kovtun spoke about new requests from local residents and about the proposed sources of funding for the upcoming work. Particular attention was paid to agriculture, the leading sector of the region's economy. The area of ​​Grigoriopol farmland exceeds 60 thousand hectares. These are arable lands for the most part – 56.5 thousand hectares. The President was told that 1315 hectares are occupied by perennial plantations, 840 hectares by orchards, about 220 hectares by vineyards, 130 hectares by walnut trees, about 15 hectares by berries. Vadim Krasnoselsky asked about uprooting obsolete plots. More than a hundred hectares of unfruitful plantings have been uprooted only this year, more than a third of this area has been planted. The President was told that more than six hundred land users are now employed in the agricultural sector of the district: 58 organizations and 549 peasant farms. Vadim Krasnoselsky was interested in whether there was any progress in the development of vegetable and fruit growing. To date, 36 business entities are involved in this direction. Now the fields are harvesting the first group of grain. The yield of wheat in the whole region is noticeably lower than last year – an average of 25.4 centners per hectare. They told the President that the quality of grain is higher – 3-4 class (a year earlier it was mostly 5 and a lot of substandard). Barley is harvested about 39 centners per hectare.

Today's meeting is offsite. Its participants visited a number of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex. They visited the fields of the Tiraspol bakery located in the Grigoriopol region. There is now a harvest of crops of the first group. The enterprise uses almost 20 thousand hectares of land located in Slobodzeya, Dubossary and Grigoriopol districts. The largest area – is 15.5 thousand hectares – Grigoriopol lands. Almost nine thousand hectares of winter crops – wheat, barley, rye, rapeseed – have been sown on them this year. Spring crops - about a hundred hectares. There are also buckwheat, peas, corn, sorghum, sunflower, soybeans, alfalfa. Peas and winter crops are being harvested now. Deputy Director for Agricultural Production Anatoly Pleshko told the President that agricultural crops are grown not only as raw materials for the plant, but also for sale. The direction of export is at the request of foreign partners. As for the Tiraspol bakery plant, it mainly uses raw materials grown on its own fields. The exception is lean years. It is too early to say what 2022 will be like, but there are fears that the harvest will be small. The reason is the lack of precipitation. Vadim Krasnoselsky asked about the involvement of the enterprise's farmland in the reclamation complex in this regard. So far 4.7 thousand hectares of land are being irrigated. There is an intention to expand the irrigated area, Anatoly Pleshko noted. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that the concept of interaction between the state and business in this area is preserved: at the expense of budgetary funds, pumping stations are put into operation and water is brought to the fields, farmers take on the inclusion of their land in the reclamation system. Such forms of state support as concessional lending and consistently low cost of irrigation water remain. The issue of fertilizers was raised during the discussion. The providing remains problematic. The price almost tripled due to the complexity of delivery. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that the supply of products necessary for the organization of agricultural work is a matter of the current negotiation agenda with Moldova.

The inspection team led by the President visited the fields of another bakery plant - Grigoriopol. The organization has been operating as an LLC since 2006, although the history of the agricultural company goes back 90 years. Once the elevator was "the bins of the motherland" – it accepted grain for storage. Now the enterprise unites several divisions, the fields of which are located in three districts –Grigoriopol (7000 hectares), Rybnitsa (2000 hectares) and Slobodzeya (2.4 thousand hectares). The plant is no longer engaged in the production of bakery products. They grow wheat, rapeseed, corn, sunflower – oilseed and confectionery – for sale. This year for the first time planted sorghum. Just the next few days will show how successful the experimental attempt will be: if it rains before the end of the week, there is hope to save the harvest, representatives of the enterprise administration shared, noting that this year again confirmed the importance of land reclamation. 1.5 thousand hectares of land are irrigated at the moment (Grigoriopol areas). It is planned to revive the irrigation system in Kitskany (Slobodzeya district) in the near future. They are working on the project. They expect to launch it by the next season. Director General of the Grigoriopol Plant of Grain Products LLC Igor Yarych said that 27 sprinklers operate in the fields of the enterprise. They were transported from one land to another until now. They came to the conclusion about the inefficiency of such a mobile approach. It was decided to purchase additional equipment for system melioration. They take soft loans. Payback is expected within five years.

Vadim Krasnoselsky asked about the harvest. The collection is 22 centners of rapeseed and 40 centners of wheat per hectare. This is a good indicator for the climatic conditions of the current year, the farmers noted. They said that the agricultural enterprise prefers varieties of Odessa selection, which are ideal for our cultivation zone. There were no crashes. The agricultural company is traditionally the leader in terms of yield.

Another agricultural organization visited by the President today is Agro Kompakt LLC. Vadim Krasnoselsky has repeatedly met with the staff of this enterprise, he knows about the progress in development. The President was welcomed by the Head of the organization Stepan Platsynda, who said that more than 5.5 thousand hectares of land are now being cultivated. 5.4 thousand hectares - arable land. Wheat, barley, corn, sunflower were sown on the fields. About 1700 tons of winter barley have already been harvested (yield is 38.4 c/ha). More than 160 hectares of wheat were harvested (an average of 25.4 kg/ha). Speaking about land reclamation, the farmer noted that now corn and part of the areas sown with sunflower are under irrigation. The President drew attention to modern equipment working in the fields. Stepan Platsynda noted that the company pays special attention to the modernization of equipment and vehicle fleet. This was made possible thanks to concessional lending.

"Agro Compact" is not only grain. They grow grapes, for example. 8 hectares are given for it. The visitors toured the vineyards. The entrepreneur said that a good collection is expected. The dryness of the year did not affect, as the irrigation system works. The California model was preferred, said Stepan Platsynda. Answering a question about grape varieties, he noted that they grow those that are suitable for export.

The presidential delegation did not disregard the fruit plantations. The enterprise has 160 hectares of gardens. There are apricots. Part of the crop has already been harvested. The first grade – is in refrigerators. Stepan Platsynda announced the purchase of drying equipment. Apricot fruits that are smaller than 40 mm will be dried. For the third year, cherry orchards delight with productivity. So far, the berries are slightly smaller than the traditionally selected varieties. It's all about the youth of the garden, explained the farmer. Cherries will get bigger with age. The berries are exported and sold on the local market.

Summing up the results of the trip to the farmlands of the Grigoriopol region, Vadim Krasnoselsky once again focused on the importance of developing the reclamation complex of the republic. He emphasized that one cannot rely on the weather. If last rainy year the irrigation system might seem like an unnecessary element, then this year with its lack of rainfall has again confirmed that the republic, whose economy largely depends on the agricultural sector, is moving in the right direction by gradually restoring and expanding the reclamation network.


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