The President held an off-site meeting on the territory of the Botanical Garden

05/26/22 14:07

The President held an off-site meeting on the territory of the Botanical Garden

The Botanical Garden of Tiraspol is more than six decades old. The leadership of the local research institute took the initiative to lay it down in 1956, the decision was made in December 1958. They allocated a plot of 8 hectares in the central part of the institute's field. A unique garden and park facility has been created over a decade through the efforts of landscape architects, researchers and workers. Its task is not only infrastructural aesthetics. The dendrological garden, that is how it was called, was assigned an important research, educational and cultural role. The period of park heyday lasted until the end of the 80s. The area of ​​the arboretum has more than doubled, and the collection of plants has increased markedly. There were 780 species, forms, varieties of trees and shrubs belonging to 135 genera and 47 families.

There was no time for experimental botany, scientific work came to naught in the 90s. Nevertheless, attempts were made to revive. The arboretum was renamed into the State Botanical Garden of the PMR, thereby expanding its functions and capabilities. They began to grow not only trees and shrubs, but also conifers, lianas, herbaceous plants, increasing the number and diversifying collection samples. Development programs were adopted, but its execution was rather formal. As a result, 318 out of 988 plant species were lost by 2012. The collection fund was in danger of complete loss. Three dozen exposition sites and nurseries are overgrown with weeds. Reorganizational and personnel changes ten years ago made it possible to somewhat improve the state of affairs, but did not improve the situation as a whole.

The botanical garden is under presidential control now. Vadim Krasnoselsky considers the object valuable and requiring special attention. The execution of these earlier instructions made it possible to move the decision on the fate of the arboretum from the dead point. Fortunately, there is still something to preserve and develop, they noted at today's offsite meeting initiated by the President. Plants of 887 species, 93 forms and 1125 varieties grow at the moment on 22 hectares of the garden, there are fewer trees and shrubs than before, but there are new herbs, flowers, medicinal plants, 38 from Red Book are special value.

Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized during the meeting that all this wealth should be available to citizens. Measures taken by the leadership of the country and the city are aimed at this. They think over the entrance and the entrance to the park that are convenient from the point of view of logistics. The opening times have been changed. Large-scale work on cleaning (restoration) of green spaces is underway. It was considered expedient to change the departmental affiliation of the botanical garden. The management of the facility is transferred from the Ministry of Agriculture to the city authorities.

The President discussed design developments, plans and schedules for the improvement of the park, as well as routes that will be offered to visitors with the Head of the city and the Head of the botanical garden. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that it is necessary to take into account the opinion of citizens, improve the infrastructure in the areas favored by visitors when laying paths and designing recreation areas. The design style and materials that will be used in the repair and construction work and equipping leisure sectors were discussed. The PMR President emphasized that one should not forget about modern trends, renewing and enriching the green massif of the garden, resorting to the services of professional landscape designers while preserving traditions. They talked about the design of bright photo zones in the future, focused on the issue of parking spaces organizing.


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