The PMR President visited the Industrial College and the Energetikov Park in Dubossary

05/20/22 12:19

The PMR President visited the Industrial College and the Energetikov Park in Dubossary

The President being in Dubossary discussed a number of current issues of the town and the region life with the Head of the local administration, visited several objects that require attention. There was an industrial college among them. This educational institution has been preparing personnel for working specialties for more than half a century and is in demand today no less than during the period of creation and formation. More than three hundred students are studying here at the moment, including the dual education system. They train specialists in the maintenance of reclamation networks and public utilities workers for example. At the same time, the infrastructure of the college was seriously dilapidated. The buildings built in the middle of the last century did not know major repairs. The most serious need is to replace the roof and window blocks. Engineering communications need modernization. The object was included in the state program of capital investments. Roofing work was started. Three buildings make approximately 1700 square meters of roofing that needs to be replaced. It is expected to master this volume by mid-summer. The Head of the Dubossary administration Ruslan Chaban told the President that the allocated funds will not be enough to update the windows. An additional 600 thousand rubles is needed. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that the replacement of the roof and window blocks should be carried out in a comprehensive manner. The Government will be instructed to find the necessary amount so that this stage of repair work will be completed by the beginning of the school year.

The President paid an inspection visit to Energetikov Park in Dubossary. He asked about the fate of the "ship" – a play area made by a local craftsman and already loved by Dubossary children. According to Ruslan Chaban, the location will be returned to its original location after repair and maintenance work. Vadim Krasnoselsky focused on the landscaping of the territory, the park alley. Recommendations were given to increase the number of coniferous plants. It was proposed to plant an evergreen tree in the central part, which in the future will become a New Year's attribute of the park infrastructure. Work on the improvement and equipping of the "Energetikov" park sports complex continues.


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