Maria Zakharova on the PACE resolution on Pridnestrovie: It does not reflect the true situation

03/17/22 12:41

Maria Zakharova on the PACE resolution on Pridnestrovie: It does not reflect the true situation

According to the Russian Foreign Ministry representative, the Russian troops' withdrawal is only possible after the complete settlement of the Moldovan-Pridnestrovian conflict

Tiraspol, March 17. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The Russian Foreign Ministry commented on the PACE resolution on Pridnestrovie. It was indicated as irrelevant to the true situation. Recall that we are talking about a document dated March 15, which was adopted in response to the events taking place in Ukraine.

“In addition to Ukraine itself, this document mentions some other regions, including Pridnestrovie, which is called, verbatim quotation, “the Russian-occupied zone”, neither more nor less. We consider the wording of the PACE conclusion on Pridnestrovie unacceptable, irrelevant to the true situation,” Russian Foreign Ministry official representative Maria Zakharova said. 

She also commented on the statement of Moldovan President Maya Sandu that Russia should withdraw its troops from Pridnestrovie. It should be noted that official Chisinau voices such appeals regularly.

“I would like to remind you that a limited contingent of Russian military personnel is in Pridnestrovie under the Agreement on the Principles of the Peaceful Settlement of the Armed Conflict in the Pridnestrovian Region of the Republic of Moldova dated July 21, 1992. Let me remind you that the purpose of their stay is to carry out a peacekeeping operation, thanks to which not only peace and tranquility, but also reliable protection of ammunition depots located in the region since Soviet times have been reliably ensured on the Dniester for 30 years,” the Russian diplomat explained.  

She stressed that Russia was always ready to discuss the practical issues of its disposal with the Moldovan side.

As for the withdrawal of Russian troops from Pridnestrovie, according to Maria Zakharova, “it is conditioned by the achievement of a comprehensive political settlement of the Pridnestrovian problem. Unfortunately, this is still a long way off."

At the same time, she stressed that the settlement depended on Chisinau in no small part.


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