Kamenka: Report of the Head of District Administration

02/25/22 17:17

Kamenka: Report of the Head of District Administration

The meeting, during which the results of Kamenka district life were discussed, was held in the afternoon. The President and other participants of the event held via videoconference listened to the report of the Head of the local state administration Vladimir Bychkov.

The Head of administration said that the population of the district was 18854 people at the end of 2021. There are more rural residents than urban ones – 10362 and 8492 respectively. 69 girls and 40 boys were born during the year. It is noted that the birth rate in the city exceeds the rural indicators and the mortality among the inhabitants of the villages is higher than among the townspeople on the contrary. It was noted that 96 marriages were registered in the reporting period – a third more than a year earlier. There is an increase in the number of divorces, but insignificant – 47 in 2020 and 50 in 2021. The speaker focused on the topic of employment of citizens, noting that 78 people registered in the employment promotion department were provided with jobs in 2021 (34 in 2020).

Vladimir Bychkov said that budget indicators are improved. The total revenues to the district treasury amounted to 85.5 million rubles, 40 million of this amount is the own income of Kamenka district. For example, tax payments exceeded the planned amount by 1% and exceeded the figure of the previous year by 5.5 million. The total expenses of the residents of Kamenka are 79.6 million. 52.5 million were allocated to fulfill social obligations.

As for the real sector of the economy of Kamenka district: the main industry is agriculture. It is represented by a collective farm (the only one not only in the region, but in the entire republic), 15 organizations and almost three hundred peasant farms (a dozen and a half of them received loans for the development of production in the total amount of 1.5 million rubles in the reporting period). There are 23187 hectares of land under cultivation, mostly arable. Crop production is a priority. Vladimir Bychkov stated that the results of agricultural activities in 2021 are better than in 2020 despite the negative natural aspects. He said that residents of Kamenka are the leaders in the yield of leguminous and industrial crops, the district ranks third in the republic in the collection of apples and grapes, and only seventh in terms of vegetables.

The food industry is represented by CJSC Kamenka Cannery, the largest taxpayer. The Head of the district reminded that the enterprise has a new owner, who has invested almost 60 million rubles in the development of the plant. The production and financial indicators of the enterprise have been noticeably improved.

Another important object for the Kamenka economy is the Dniester sanatorium. The health resort's income fell sharply due to quarantine restrictions in 2020. The situation is slightly better in 2021. 6186 tourists were accepted, 29 million of income was received (for comparison: 9277 visitors and 38.9 million income in 2019, and 3072 people and 14.7 million in 2020).

There was a decrease by 46 units in the number of individual entrepreneurs (1395 patent holders at the end of 2021). The total annual amount of revenues to the budget in the form of payment for the cost of a patent is 1.4 million rubles. Vladimir Bychkov spoke about the work of municipal enterprises and the investment activities of organizations responsible for water, heat, gas, and electricity supply. Regarding the state of affairs in the transport sector there are 4 carrier organizations operating 33 vehicles in the Kamenka district. There are three international, five intercity, ten suburban and one city routes.

The funds of the Road Fund allocated in the reporting year amounted to 13.3 million. The roadbed, storm sewers, sidewalks, and parking lots were repaired.

Speaking about the implementation of the Capital Investment Fund 2021, the Head noted that seven objects of Kamenka were included in it: Wittgenstein Park, the House of Culture in the village of Podoima, the House of Culture of Kamenka, a polyclinic, the therapeutic and infectious diseases departments of the hospital, and the feldsher and obstetric station in the village of Yantarnoye. The total amount of investments is about 14 million rubles.

Vladimir Bychkov spoke about the arrangement of two city squares and the same number of playgrounds, as well as the repair of 45 wells in five villages of the region. Speaking about the organization of street lighting, he said that coverage at the moment is 43%. 136 lamps were installed in the city and five villages during the year.

There were three programs in the housing sector. Water supply and sanitation systems were repaired in six houses, and heat supply systems were repaired in one. Repairs were made in 34 entrances, in ten - door blocks were replaced.

Renovation work is underway in two dormitories. 48 families will be provided with housing after their completion. They bought two apartments for orphans. Young families were given five preferential loans of 100000 rubles each.

In terms of landscaping: 95 emergency trees were demolished, 5528 units of green spaces were planted – trees, shrubs, flowers. The head of the district said that 3000 rose bushes had been planted along the roads.

According to the Head of state administration, about 70 million rubles have been invested in the infrastructure of the Kamenka district (excluding investments from local agricultural producers).

The speaker cited data related to the functioning of such areas as healthcare, education, culture and sports, spoke about the structure, infrastructural changes, technical equipment, and achievements.

After listening to the report, the President noted that the Kamenka state administration is successfully coping with the tasks it faces. The activity for 2021 was recognized as satisfactory.

Vadim Krasnoselsky outlined the main directions for further work, named the objects that will have to be given increased attention this year. Among them there are the Central Regional Hospital (admission department and ambulance service), Wittgenstein Park, the House of Culture in the village of Sloboda-Rashkovo, educational institutions of Kamenka, the villages of Kuzmin, Katerinovka, Rashkovo, Red October. The President recommended continuing the improvement of the central part of the city. Instructions and recommendations were given regarding the development of the region's economy.

The report of Vladimir Bychkov completed a series of reports by the heads of state administrations of cities and regions of the republic on the results of activities in 2021. The implementation of plans and projects for 2022 is under presidential control. The practice of inspection trips of the President to the places is preserved.  


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