The President addressed with a Message to the Bodies of State Power and Administration

01/20/22 10:55

The President addressed with a Message to the Bodies of State Power and Administration

The annual Presidential Message is traditionally read out as part of an extended meeting of the PMR President with the heads of state authorities and administration. It was decided to hold it via videoconference due to ongoing pandemic circumstances this year. More than fifty officials, heads of state media and press services are in touch with the President.

Before proceeding to setting goals, the PMR President focused on the main results of the past year. Vadim Krasnoselsky focused on the fact that the past year passed for Pridnestrovie, as well as for the whole world, in the context of the ongoing struggle against the spread of COVID-19, in connection with which the expenditure items of the republican budget were adjusted. Vadim Krasnoselsky considers the anti-coronavirus work carried out in Pridnestrovie to be satisfactory. He expressed his gratitude to all those involved. The President emphasized that each wave of morbidity cost the Pridnestrovian budget approximately a quarter of a billion rubles.

Vadim Krasnoselsky indicated that citizens received all social payments on time in 2021, the salaries of state employees and pension payments increased, benefits were not suspended, the amount of utility bills did not increase, and the exchange rate remained stable. The President recalled the active work aimed at updating the social infrastructure of Pridnestrovie. The President mentioned the elimination of corruption schemes in the gas industry, the banking sector, the customs sector, and some state-owned enterprises. Elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the PMR President elections were also named among the results of last year. Vadim Krasnoselsky expressed gratitude to the citizens for the trust placed in him – re-election to the post of PMR President.

Vadim Krasnoselsky indicated that as before the provisions of the Development Strategy of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic until 2026 underlie the activities of the public administration system. The main principles and goals are strengthening the independence of Pridnestrovie with a focus on gaining international recognition and implementing the results of the 2006 referendum, continuing the formation of the “Pridnestrovian people” community, building a socially oriented state with a market economy.

Vadim Krasnoselsky turning to the setting of tasks for government agencies for the current year noted that the instructions were formed taking into account the mandates of voters, requests from citizens of the republic, and public appeals. The President emphasized that all instructions were verified and achievable, focusing on the importance of precise execution and control.


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