COVID statistics

01/03/22 11:14

COVID statistics

Opening the first meeting in 2022 - the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the President for prevention of the spread of coronavirus, Vadim Krasnoselsky congratulated its participants on the New Year, wishing everyone health, prosperity, stability and victory over COVID-19. The President addressed his words of gratitude to everyone who works on New Year's holidays. He specially noted the New Year's decoration of settlements and the organization of festive events. Personal congratulations were received today from the PMR President by the Deputy Prime Minister of the PMR Sergey Obolonik, who is celebrating his birthday today.

The main report on the COVID situation in the republic was made by the Head of the Operational Headquarters Vitaly Neagu. According to him, 1233 Pridnestrovians are carriers of COVID-19 at the moment. 747 of them are being treated in specialized hospitals. The incidence has been declining for the tenth week in a row. The average daily rate is 89 cases (112 a week earlier). In this regard, on the pre-holiday days, infectious diseases hospitals were closed on the basis of the capital's hospital of veterans, the Center for Mother and Child in Bendery and the hospital of Kamenka (infected residents  of Kamenka are hospitalized in the Rybnitsa medical institution). The network utilization after its reduction is 67%. 204 carriers of coronavirus are being treated in the hospital of Slobodzeya, 214 in the Republican Clinical Hospital, 171 in the Bendery City Hospital, 72 in the hospital of Dubossary, 76 in the hospital of Rybnitsa. The infectious diseases hospital, temporarily deployed on the basis of the Vyhvatino psychiatric hospital, continues to function: ten people are infected. In general 183 patients are hard to tolerate the coronavirus, 27 people are in intensive care units, six are connected to ventilators in all medical preventive institutions with coronavirus profile. 18 children are undergoing inpatient treatment for COVID-19 (ten people less than a week ago). 486 Pridnestrovians diagnosed with coronavirus are being treated at home. Citizens who have preferred the outpatient health improvement course are in touch with the staff of crisis centers and under doctors’ control. Computed tomography is made if necessary. Such an order was given in November by the President. It was noted that during this time 679 Pridnestrovians underwent CT examination and were undergoing home treatment. 190 people were hospitalized according to the results of tomography. 63 citizens were transferred from outpatient to inpatient treatment last week.

4361 samples of biomaterials from citizens with suspected infection were examined during the reporting seven days (389571 during the entire time of the pandemic). The fact of the disease was confirmed in 622 cases. In total, 83120 cases of COVID-19 infection were recorded in Pridnestrovie during the coronavirus pandemic. 1935 carriers of the virus - 2.3% of cases - died (twenty-three deaths of the disease in a week), 79952 people - 96% of those infected - coped with the disease (during the reporting week, 955 recovered). 690 Pridnestrovians are in mandatory self-isolation.

2723 people were vaccinated during the week in Pridnestrovie. In total, 132574 Pridnestrovians were vaccinated against COVID-19 or 34.7% of the adult population. 28042 residents of the republic were revaccinated.

Today, the reserve of vaccinations is as follows: 50 thousand pairs for the full course "Sputnik V" in the warehouse of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology, as well as in medical institutions of the republic 26154 doses of the first component of the Russian vaccine and 37670 units of the second, 28000 doses of Sinopharm, 1500 of Moderna, 2600 of Pfizer (a new delivery of this vaccine is expected in the near future), said Chief Sanitary Doctor Natalia Beril. Medicines are plentiful, said Minister of Health Christina Albul. The stock for the first quarter of this year has been formed.


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