The President met with the ataman of the Black Sea Cossack army

12/16/21 16:43

The President met with the ataman of the Black Sea Cossack army

The meeting of the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky and the ataman of the Black Sea Cossack army Igor Nebeigolova was held at the presidential executive office. The conversation was organized on the eve of the 30th anniversary of the Pridnestrovian Cossacks: December 17, 1991 is considered the date of formation of the Black Sea Cossack army. Vadim Krasnoselsky congratulated the ataman and in his person all the Cossacks on the upcoming holiday, focusing on the history of the Cossacks. “The 30th anniversary of the formation of the Black Sea Cossack army is a relative date of course. The Black Sea Cossack army has a deep history, dating back to the 18th century, when the Cossacks arrived at the southern borders of the Russian Empire to defend Russia. The Cossacks played a crucial role in protecting the borders until the arrival of Suvorov's soldiers here. Since then, when they began to build the Tiraspol fortress, when the regiments of the Russian Empire were already stationed here, the Black Sea residents began to perform an auxiliary function, but they were still an important element of the defense of the borders of our state. Later, Catherine the Great turned to the Black Sea Cossack army with a request that the Black Sea Cossacks create the backbone of the Kuban Cossack army to protect the borders of the southern borders of the Russian Empire. Part of the Black Sea Cossack army went to the Kuban. Today, the backbone of the Black Sea Cossack army is made up of precisely the ancestors of the Black Sea Cossacks. This can be clearly seen in the surnames, traditions and customs of both the Kuban and the Black Sea people. There was a tragic period in the history of the entire Cossacks of Russia – years of persecution and political reprisals. The Cossacks became history. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Black Sea Cossack army appeared again on the banks of the Dniester. This event is thirty years old”, said Vadim Krasnoselsky. The President, stressing that the Cossacks are the defenders of the faith, spirituality and security of the country, expressed gratitude to them for their service, devotion, preserving traditions and strengthening the Orthodox faith.

Igor Nebeigolova in turn congratulated Vadim Krasnoselsky on his victory in the presidential election, assuring him of support from the Cossacks. The Black Sea Cossack army has always remained a loyal ally and defender of our republic and will continue to carry out everything necessary, all the tasks facing the army and the republic as a whole. We do not separate ourselves from the republic. Cossacks are part of the Pridnestrovian people, part of the republic. Every centimeter of our land for us is very dear and valuable”, stressed the head of the Pridnestrovian Cossacks.

Igor Nebeigolova spoke about a roundtable meeting on the Black Sea Cossacks held in the Russian capital the day before. The event took place at the site of the Official Representation of Pridnestrovie in Moscow.


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