The Krasnoselskys took part in the Victory Park landscaping in Tiraspol

11/06/21 11:38

The Krasnoselskys took part in the Victory Park landscaping in Tiraspol

Landscaping campaigns are taking place throughout Pridnestrovie. A plan has been developed in each city and district to replace obsolete trees and plant new ones on behalf of the President. They root trees and shrubs, lay the foundations for future flower beds. Schedule of landscaping of the capital is made. Clean-up day in the Victory Park is organized today. Volunteers plant maples, oaks, lindens, birches, ornamental apple, albicia and paulownia seedlings – totally 140 units of planting material.

Svetlana and Vadim Krasnoselsky are among the participants of the park landscaping campaign. Trees and shrubs planted by the family of the PMR President grow in different parts of the republic. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that the current weather is favorable for landing. The President’s wife Svetlana Krasnoselskaya, speaking with the participants of the action, noted that each planted and rooted tree is in fact a new life.

Speaking about further plans for the improvement of the Victory Park, Vadim Krasnoselsky said that this object, beloved by the residents of Tiraspol is in demand and will not remain without attention.

The PMR President noted the importance of the fact that not only specialized services, but also citizens, especially young people, participate in the improvement and landscaping of settlements. According to the President, the initiative to expand the area of ​​green spaces in the city belongs to the activists of the volunteer movement.


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