Working discussion with members of the Operational Headquarters

11/01/21 12:02

Working discussion with members of the Operational Headquarters

The children incidence of COVID-19 increase was noted in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters. 110 Pridnestrovian minors are undergoing treatment for coronavirus at the moment. Vadim Krasnoselsky during the Operational Headquarters discussion noted the need to separate children's groups for a period sufficient to extinguish the outbreak. The school holidays that began today will be extended by one week more on the recommendation of the PMR President. The President emphasized at the same time that it is necessary to limit contacts among teachers for this time: work should be carried out with a minimum stay in the premises of educational institutions and without unreasonable personal interaction of employees.

Vadim Krasnoselsky focused on the necessity of strengthening control over the implementation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements in the service sector. Not only the offenders should be held accountable for violation of the rules of work in a pandemic, but also the heads of organizations whose employees commit criminal negligence and irresponsibility, the President emphasized. It was noted during the meeting of the Operations Headquarters that many violations are related to the disregard of the mask regime by the drivers of route taxis.

The PMR President focused on the topic of home treatment for carriers of the coronavirus. This form is preferred by more than half of the infected citizens. 2744 people are undergoing home-outpatient treatment at the moment. Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled his requirement to control the course of the disease of such patients: employees of crisis centers are required to maintain constant telephone communication with them – at least two calls per day, clear recording and analysis of changes in health status for prompt response and timely decision-making. Another point that the President focused on was the direction of citizens who preferred home treatment to computed tomography. A signal for the need for a CT examination should be, for example, a fever that persists for several days, about which specialists of crisis centers are obliged to inform the Ministry of Health.

Progress in vaccination was discussed in the course of the meeting. To date, 111184 Pridnestrovians have been vaccinated – almost a third of the adult population of the republic. Vaccination of the rural population continues. The President emphasized that this work should be intensified. It is important to inform the residents of remote settlements in advance about the possibility of their organized delivery of citizens to the place of the vaccination procedure, said Vadim Krasnoselsky. To date, there are 113 vaccination points operating: 20 in polyclinics, 53 in feldsher-obstetric points, 40 in rural medical outpatient clinics. Vaccination points will also be opened in city markets in order to involve a larger number of Pridnestrovians in the vaccination campaign. Preparatory and organizational work has begun on the instructions of the President.

Vadim Krasnoselsky has personal control over the provision of medical institutions with medicines, personal protective equipment and medical equipment. He asked when the Remdesivir would be delivered. The delay is related to the cancellation of flights from the manufacturing country. Delivery is expected on Tuesday night. The lot size is 51000 pcs. The arrival of 50000 ampoules of heparin is also expected tomorrow. Vadim Krasnoselsky instructed to start work on the formation of a stock of medicines for the first decade of 2022 today. The President asked about the situation with artificial lung ventilation devices. Its number was brought to 108 units with the advent of the pandemic. Active exploitation gradually puts old ventilators out of action. The PMR President instructed to monitor the condition of the equipment and analyze the need to purchase new ones. There is information that in the near future a party of humanitarian aid from the World Health Organization will arrive in the republic. Probably, it will also include artificial lung ventilation devices. Missing equipment will be purchased. The President was interested in the provision of medical institutions with medical oxygen. Daily consumption is about a thousand cylinders. There is a reserve.

Vadim Krasnoselsky after listening to the reports of the chief doctors of infectious diseases hospitals (a mandatory practice within the framework of the President's meetings of the Operational Headquarters) gave a number of current instructions aimed at improving the activities of medical and preventive institutions, creating conditions for effective treatment, comfortable stay of patients and the work of medical staff. Concluding the meeting, the President emphasized that the main thing is not to panic and everyone should clearly and responsibly fulfill their official duties in the fight against the pandemic, as in any other matter.


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