Vadim Krasnoselsky inspected Rybnitsa district

10/26/21 12:51

Vadim Krasnoselsky inspected Rybnitsa district

The PMR President is in the north of the republic. The visit is scheduled. The President met with the Head of Rybnitsa administration. Viktor Tyagay informed Vadim Krasnoselsky about the situation in the region. The President asked about the sanitary and epidemiological situation. 321 patients infected with coronavirus are being treated at the Rybnitsa hospital at the moment. As for vaccination, weekend vaccination marathons were held in 32 rural settlements during two weeks. 832 people took advantage of the opportunity to be vaccinated. the head of the district stated if the rural population actively participated in the vaccination process thanks to the on-site vaccination campaign, then among the city residents the demand has noticeably decreased. Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled that vaccination takes place in Pridnestrovie on a voluntary basis, and emphasized that it is necessary to strengthen campaigning and educational work with the population. Several types of vaccine are available free of charge. Those who have made a decision to be safe with the help of vaccination and have been among the first to be vaccinated can be revaccinated at will, Vadim Krasnoselsky noted. The repeated procedure will also be carried out at the expense of the state. The President instructed the Head of the regional administration to bring this information to the residents of the Rybnitsa district.

They also talked about agriculture at the meeting. 53.5 thousand hectares of arable land are cultivated in the region. A network of peasant farms has been developed - more than six hundred peasant farms. 61 agricultural enterprises are registered, eight of them are livestock. One of the largest is Fialt-Agro LLC. The organization is actively developing both in the livestock line and in crop production. Processing is developed. Their own trade network "Blagoda" has been created: more than three dozen brand stores throughout the republic. The company employs about eight hundred people. Almost three hundred employees are employed directly in the agricultural complex "Fialt-Agro" (for comparison: the staff was 130 people at the beginning of 2017). One of the subdivisions, a livestock farm is located in the village of Zozulyany. Vadim Krasnoselsky visited it today. The PMR President visited this complex. In the course of today's communication with the team, he noted that each visit sees positive changes – how the farm is expanding, improving and equipping.

The Head of the enterprise, Sergei Pisarenko said that the state support allowed to launch the production of compound feed. The next stage of the business plan is the organization of the processing of animal waste. They want to organize the production of branded ice cream. They are sure that the products will not yield to the Soviet ice cream.

Livestock of the farm today is 1856 (there were not even a hundred when the project was started). The daily milk yield is 15 tons, approximately 5.5 thousand tons per year. Almost 140 tons of meat was produced this year. 104.5 million rubles have been invested in our own production during several years, Sergei Pisarenko told the President: the livestock has been increased, two modern cowsheds have been built and equipped. The funds are also invested in the development of crop production. More than 37 million rubles were invested in the development of the reclamation complex in 2020; in 2021 the area of ​​irrigated land increased by 1863 hectares. At the moment, 2355 out of 3470 hectares cultivated by Fialt-Agro are under irrigation. Serious investments are being made to renew the machine and tractor fleet of the enterprise. This year, 6.8 million rubles were spent on the purchase of several units of agricultural machinery. Development is facilitated by Government support. Concessional lending allows investing in the renovation and expansion of the production base, representatives of Fialt-Agro noted during their conversation with the PMR President. They also talked about the pricing policy, noting that the cost of milk and its derivatives has been stable for several years in Pridnestrovie. Keeping the price at the same level allows the introduced practice of paying subsidies by the state for each liter of milk produced among other things. Another important factor for farmers is the consistently low price for irrigation water. Considering that Fialt-Agro is a full-cycle enterprise, each of these elements of comprehensive state support is important, the director noted.

Vadim Krasnoselsky said that he is pleased to observe the success of the enterprise, which makes a significant contribution to ensuring the country's food security. The President noted the high quality of meat and dairy products, stressing that under no circumstances should the bar be lowered.


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