The President visited agricultural enterprises of Grigoriopol district

10/20/21 13:25

The President visited agricultural enterprises of Grigoriopol district

Vadim Krasnoselsky was in Grigoriopol district. The President met with the Head of the local administration Oleg Gabuzha. They discussed the current state of affairs in the area. Special attention was paid to agriculture as the leading branch of the economy of Grigoriopol. It was noted that 45 legal entities were engaged in the production of agricultural products in the region, 440 peasant farms were registered. The area of ​​farmland is almost 58 thousand hectares. The main area is given over to grain, leguminous and industrial crops. Perennial plantations occupy approximately 1200 hectares. Vegetables are grown on 160 hectares.

The President, accompanied by the regional head, visited several agricultural firms. The Waterhouse agricultural enterprise is located in the village of Shipka. It was created in 2004. Five persons started it, now the team has grown five times. The company specializes in crop production. The cultivated area is approximately 300 hectares. Most of them grow industrial crops that do not require irrigation. It is possible due to them to maintain the profitability of the enterprise and invest in the development of new directions.

The special pride of the agrarians from Shipka is the walnut and almond orchards (the area –10 and 16 hectares, respectively). Vadim Krasnoselsky was here for the second year after the laying of the almond orchard. Only forecasts were made then. Now we can talk about the yield during this visit. Waterhouse director Margarita Yakovleva said that one tree gives approximately 12 kilograms of almonds. Now is the height of the harvest campaign. About 60% of the area of ​​the almond orchard has been removed. 5 tons of products were collected. The 2021 crop is good thanks to this year's rainy summer. 11% of almond trees were lost, which unlike walnut trees did not tolerate moisture deficit in the dry 2020, said the chief agronomist of the enterprise Vitaly Karaman.

Providing local farmland with artificial irrigation is problematic (although farmers do not give up hope). It's all about the location of the land - on a hill. If a well is drilled, it will need to be deepened by 220 meters and provided with electricity. The nearest connection point to the existing irrigation system is removed - it is ten kilometers away. A third option is also being considered: to restore the old station. Once upon a time the lands of Shipka were included in the reclamation complex. The pumping station has been preserved, there are two large irrigation pools and access roads to them. Serious funds are needed to revive the system. The farmers expect to master the project in close cooperation with the state.

Another agricultural enterprise that the President visited today is Nashe Delo (Our Business) LLC. The livestock farm is located in the village of Mocharovka, Grigoriopol district. Sheep are raised. Now the livestock is 700 animals. Preference was given to nomadic breed that easily tolerates temperature changes. It is considered as meat-dairy. The Head of the Semyon Kochangzhi told the visitor that the enterprise employs 25 people. They sell not only meat and milk, but also feta cheese of its own production, for example. A separate workshop was organized for this direction, which was visited by Vadim Krasnoselsky. The PMR President tasted the products and highly appreciated their taste.

The enterprise has modern equipment installed. The milking shop is equipped with specialized machines. The fodder base is harvested independently. Corn and perennial grasses are grown in the fields of Nashe Delo LLC to provide livestock with high-quality food. Approximately 100 hectares of land have been allocated for this.

Vadim Krasnoselsky asked if the option of expanding production by processing and selling wool and animal skins had been considered. Entrepreneurs say that there are no specialists in this profile and the market for such products has not yet been mastered. But in the future, movement in this direction is possible.

The President visited one of the peasant farms in the village of Karmanovo. There are more than two dozen of them in the village. The PMR President got acquainted with the activities of the farm of Vyacheslav Koval. The main activity is animal husbandry, the accompanying one is crop production (300 hectares of land are cultivated to provide a fodder base). The livestock of the farm is 170. Dairy herd includes fifty cows, each of them gives 25-27 liters of milk. There are plans for a serious expansion. They want to increase the livestock up to 500 animals. They recently purchased equipment for equipping a milking parlor, expanding the farm infrastructure. The construction of a new barn became possible thanks to a subsidy received from the state at the beginning of this year in the amount of 65 thousand dollars, Vyacheslav Koval told the President. He also spoke about the importance of such a support measure as a subsidy for each liter of milk. These funds allow repaying credit obligations easily, the entrepreneur noted.


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