Working discussion with members of the Operational Headquarters

10/04/21 11:33

Working discussion with members of the Operational Headquarters

The incidence of coronavirus increase both in Pridnestrovie and in the neighboring countries was noted in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the President. For example, the largest growth in Europe was recorded in neighboring Ukraine – plus 100% per week. The indicator is also high in Moldova: within seven reporting days, the incidence rate increased by 77%. The average daily incidence of the last week in Pridnestrovie was 240 (a week earlier, 173 cases per day in average). The hospital network has been expanded. 86% of the currently deployed infectious hospital beds are occupied. By the end of the week, they are preparing the "Tirotex" dispensary to receive patients. The institution is designed for 250 people. Patients who have mild or moderate illness will be transferred there. At the same time, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that this is not just a place of isolated stay of infected citizens, but a medical facility where they must be ready to provide full-fledged medical care. The hospital based on the "Tirotex" dispensary will be subordinate to the Republican Clinical Hospital. In the event of a deterioration in the condition of carriers of the virus in this medical and preventive institution, they will be transferred to other specialized hospitals.

It was noted in the course of the meeting that at the moment more than half of citizens suffering from coronavirus (1329 out of 2488) are being treated at home. Special medical teams visited such patients 1146 times during the week. 115 people were transferred to infectious diseases hospitals. Crisis center staff contact self-isolated carriers of COVID-19 at home at least twice a day. This control element allows you to respond in a timely manner to changes in the condition of such patients. Control functions were discussed in the context of the activities of the commissions, which continue to inspect hospitals, identifying existing shortcomings. There is an effect of this kind of verification measures. The quality of nutrition improving in the hospital of Bendery for example.

Members of the Operational Headquarters talked about vaccinations. To date, 26.2% of the adult population of the republic has taken part in the anti-coronavirus vaccination campaign (100147 people have completed the full course). There are now two types of vaccine available: last week 2000 doses of Pfizer and 50000 doses of Sinovac were received.

They focused on the question of testing. 21093 samples of biomaterial were examined during September (more than seven hundred units per day on average). This year there were more tests only in March and April. The detection rate in September was 18% of the number of studies. The September mortality rate is 2%. Moreover, three times more carriers of the virus died in the second half of the month than in the first half.

Discussing with the Operational Headquarters participants the issue of suspension of planned hospitalization at the meeting, Vadim Krasnoselsky considers it necessary to preserve it – at least to the minimum that will not allow a situation when planned cases turn out to be emergency.


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