New medical and obstetric center was opened in the village of Ivanovka

09/28/21 14:51

New medical and obstetric center was opened in the village of Ivanovka

The village of Ivanovka of Rybnitsa district is relatively small. Its population is 165 people. About forty local residents are minors, about fifty are citizens of declining years. Not everyone can go to larger settlements to receive basic medical care. It is in such cases that a medical and obstetric center is being built - feldsher-obstetric stations, whose personnel are called upon to provide primary and emergency health care, to carry out vaccination procedures on the spot. The possibility of temporary isolation of citizens in case of such a need is also important. This aspect now, in the context of a pandemic, is of particular importance. In Ivanovka there was a medical and obstetric center. Its work was organized back in 1958. It was located in a suitable room. The building fell into complete disrepair. It was considered inappropriate to restore it. Modern modular-type buildings are much more functional and more comfortable, and besides, they are easy to assemble and not as expensive as the reconstruction of dilapidated buildings. The money was allocated according to the state program of the capital investment fund. Today the President visited the new medical and obstetric center, examined the premises, asked about the heating and air conditioning system, asked about staffing.

Addressing the staff of the medical institution and local residents, Vadim Krasnoselsky congratulated them on the infrastructure "new thing", which, according to him, is of great social importance. The President said that the improvement and development of rural areas is one of the priority tasks of the state. Special attention was paid to the medical sphere. More than four dozen medical institutions were repaired or built during the period of the capital investment program. The PMR President recalled that 2020 was declared the Year of Health in Pridnestrovie, and 2022 was declared the Year of Healthcare. This means that the reconstruction of the medical infrastructure, equipment of the medical preventive institution will continue. 7 rural obstetric stations and four outpatient clinics have been built this year, said Vadim Krasnoselsky.

The President asked the residents of the Ivanovka village about their needs. They said they were hoping for a major overhaul of the local club. Vadim Krasnoselsky, stressing that he never gives groundless promises, noted that the issue will be worked out by specialists. The President recalled that 35 million have been allocated from the capital investment fund for several years to put in order cultural objects, including rural houses of culture of the republic. If the club establishment of the village of Ivanovka is in demand, then the turn will come to it, the President expressed confidence. He stressed that he always stands for the development of villages, no matter how small in terms of the number of inhabitants they may be. According to him, villagers should be provided with electricity, gas and water. Work in this direction is underway. In four years, water supply has come to more than fifty Pridnestrovian villages. Residents of Ivanovka reported that they also have problems with drinking water supply. Serious interruptions occur on the Internet. This question is especially relevant for schoolchildren and students, taking into account that due to the pandemic they have to turn to distance learning from time to time. The President instructed to prepare an information note in this regard for further decisions. In addition, among the voiced requests is the opening of a store and a pharmacy, as well as the extension of the public transport route "Rybnitsa - Krasnenkoe" to Ivanovka. There were words of gratitude addressed to the country's leadership - not only for the modern medical and obstetric center, on the occasion of the opening of which we gathered today, but also for the school buses donated to the villagers. They also discussed plans related to the construction of sports and playgrounds. Small locations should be everywhere, and larger objects - in large villages with the opportunity to visit them for residents of nearby settlements, the President considers. For example, a project is being considered for the construction of a football and basketball field with accompanying sports infrastructure in the village of Krasnenkoye, adjacent to Ivanovka.


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