The President attended the "Health Lesson" organized at the reconstructed stadium at school number 18 in Tiraspol

09/27/21 13:58

The President attended the "Health Lesson" organized at the reconstructed stadium at school number 18 in Tiraspol

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The school number 18 in Tiraspol is a large educational institution. Education is organized within the framework of elementary, secondary and general schools here for more than a thousand people.

The learning process is provided by eight dozen teachers, the team as a whole – 111 persons. The Tiraspol secondary school with gymnasium classes number 18 has been functioning for more than half a century. There was not any serious repair work at the school buildings till 2018. By now, the window and door blocks have been replaced in the primary school building, the bathrooms and the assembly hall have been repaired, the entrance lobby and the adjacent territory have been put in order. The roof was replaced in the building for high school students, and the hygiene rooms were partially updated. This year, the school stadium was reconstructed under capital investment program. This sports zone was not only involved in the educational process as a platform for physical education lessons and classes in sports sections, but was also actively used by the residents of the microdistrict. Falling into disrepair, it increasingly figured in the appeals of citizens. The opportunity to start large-scale work appeared with the launch of the Capital Investment Fund program. This year, 2.7 million rubles have been allocated from the fund. With these funds, a modern football field with artificial surface was built, a basketball court was equipped, running tracks were laid, a jumping pit was equipped, and the workout area was renovated. This is the first stage in the improvement of the sports sector. 

Today, celebration was held on the occasion of its completion. The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky was invited. He visited the object more than once - during the period of devastation and at the stage of construction, at one time, relying on the opinion of citizens, he insisted on inclusion in the state program.

The festive event was organized in the form of a "Health Lesson" for fifth graders. The PMR President and other honored guests of the celebration left autographs on the soccer ball, which will be kept in the school museum.

Vadim Krasnoselsky noted, communicating with media representatives covering the opening of the reconstructed stadium, that the sports infrastructure is being updated throughout the republic. The President said that the commissioning of similar complexes in Bendery, Dubossary, Grigoriopol, Chobruchi is planned in the near future.

Projects of the following five objects are being prepared, including Rybnitsa and two in the capital - in the area of ​​schools number 5 and number 12. As for the stadium officially opened today, that is, promising developments in relation to its further development.

The zone should be sports and recreational, the President considers. Therefore, lawns, gazebos, walking paths will appear here soon. The main users are schoolchildren who are busy in school sections (there are more than two dozen of them at the moment). 

The stadium will be available for residents of the microdistrict leading an active lifestyle at the same time. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that the sports infrastructure should be modern, comfortable, functional, and most importantly, publicly available. This is the policy of the current leadership of the country.



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