The President with his wife participated in events dedicated to the memory of Alexander Nevsky

09/12/21 19:48

The President with his wife participated in events dedicated to the memory of Alexander Nevsky

Opening in the exhibition hall at the Bendery fortress of the exposition "Weapons of the countries of the world" is one of the components of the program of events dedicated to the day of memory of Alexander Nevsky. The event was attended by the President. He and other visitors were told that the history of the arms business of the XIX-XX centuries is illustrated here, there are exhibits that tell about the times of Napoleonic, world, civil wars, samples of modern weapons are presented. The exposition was formed from the funds of the "Bendery Fortress" Historical War Memorial Complex, the Tiraspol Institute of Law of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the PMR, the Bendery Museum of regional history. Approximately one and a half hundred units of firearms and edged weapons are presented. An important element is the dioramas of the Second World War.

Presentation of a new postal envelope took place on the site of the exhibition hall today. The right of special cancellation was granted to the PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky. The “Stamp of Pridnestrovie” publishing house presented an envelope with a picture “Entry of Alexander Nevsky to Pskov after the Battle of the Ice” by Vladimir Serov. The stamp drawing is the image of the warrior’s head. The theme stamp was used – "Alexander Nevsky Park" from the series "Year of Ecology and Improvement" (2019).

The PMR President was presented with memorable gifts - signs "100th anniversary of the Drozdovsky campaign" and "100 years of the Bredovsky campaign".

The celebration of the Day of Remembrance of Alexander Nevsky was continued by the parade of the Company of the Guard of Honor, the performance of the Pridnestrovian State Choir and the orchestra of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the PMR.


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