Alexander Nevsky is honored in Pridnestrovie

09/12/21 19:12

Alexander Nevsky is honored in Pridnestrovie

2021 has been declared the Year of Alexander Nevsky in Russia. This decision was made by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill in conjunction with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the Grand Prince, who left a bright mark on Russian history. The geography, venues, format, categories of participants of the events planned for the whole year are very diverse. Pridnestrovians did not stand aside. The prince was honored as a birthday person in May. The celebrations on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of his birth were then held on the territory of the Bendery Park, which bears the name of the Russian commander. Another important date for admirers of the merits of the statesman and military leader, canonized in the middle of the 16th century, is September 12. On this day in 1974, the imperishable relics of the right-believing prince were transferred from Vladimir to St. Petersburg by order of Peter I. Since then, September 12 has been considered the second day of commemoration of Alexander Nevsky - along with the day of the repose of the prince, which took place on December 6. The date in September is considered a holiday, moreover, a church-secular one unlike church memorable date in December. Petersburgers celebrate it especially, since Alexander Nevsky is considered the heavenly patron of the city on the Neva. This date is celebrated in Pridnestrovie. A set of thematic events is organized in the Alexander Nevsky Park. The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky took part in it. The President arrived at the celebrations with his wife.

The clergy performed a rite of glorification, then a flower-laying ceremony took place at the portrait sculpture of Alexander Nevsky. The participants in the official part of the celebrations went to the temple erected in honor of Alexander Nevsky after that. The church appeared on this place in the first half of the 19th century, was consecrated in 1833 in the presence of Emperor Nicholas I. Later, the royal persons Alexander II and Nicholas II prayed there. The temple stopped accepting parishioners in Soviet times: a club was located within its walls. Attempts were made to resume services during the Second World War, but the period of atheism and military devastation did their job - only the walls and the name that the church bore have survived from the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. The temple was restored in the early 2000s on the initiative and with the direct participation of Vadim Krasnoselsky. It is an integral part of the park of the same name and a place of attraction for numerous Orthodox parishioners now. Taking into consideration the continuing quarantine restrictions, today's prayer service was held not under the dome of the church, but in the yard of the church. The service was conducted by the Archbishop of Tiraspol and Dubossary Sawa.

Vadim Krasnoselsky addressed those present at the end of the service. The PMR President spoke about the merits of Alexander Nevsky, his role in the history of the Russian world.

Vadim Krasnoselsky during the festive events addressed the words of congratulations personally to the Archbishop of Tiraspol and Dubossary Sawa. Vladyka celebrates today the 26th anniversary of the episcopal consecration. Vadim Krasnoselsky wished good health to Vladyka, the multiplication of the Orthodox faith and the strengthening of the positions of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic to Pridnestrovians. The President noted the great contribution of Vladyka Sawa to the development of Orthodox traditions in the Pridnestrovian land.

Expressing gratitude for the congratulations, Vladyka returned to the Memorial Day of Alexander Nevsky. He spoke about the Christian essence of the princely ministry. Vladyka turned to Vadim Krasnoselsky and everyone who participated in the restoration of the Alexander Nevsky church and spoke about the Bendery church, the restoration of which was taking place before his eyes.


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