The PMR President held a meeting with the Presidium of the Republican Union of Pridnestrovian Defenders

08/24/21 17:04

The PMR President held a meeting with the Presidium of the Republican Union of Pridnestrovian Defenders

The President met with the heads of the structural divisions of the Republican Union of the Pridnestrovian Defenders in the House of Official Receptions. Representatives of twelve public organizations operating in cities and regions of the republic as well as the Administration of the PMR President, the Supreme Council, a number of ministries and departments were invited to the talk. The union has existed since 1994. Today it is headed by Valery Shirkov, who was elected to this position in July this year. He acted as a moderator of the meeting. The opportunity to ask Vadim Krasnoselsky questions was given to all the participants in the discussion event. Both narrow-profile issues related to the defenders of the republic and the activities of organizations representing their interests, as well as aspects of concern to all Pridnestrovians were raised. They talked about politics, about the further prospects of the negotiation process with Moldova in particular, and about the economy - foreign trade and the development of local production. There has been a recovery after the most difficult year of 2020, the growth of the GDP of Pridnestrovie: the indicator this year is 20% higher than the previous one. The export increased by 43% will be mentioned. The rise in prices in the construction industry was discussed. They focused on the topic of pricing in the food sector, paid increased attention to the issue of ensuring food security. Vadim Krasnoselsky called this direction one of the most important for the President. It was noted that it is mandatory in Pridnestrovie to form a two-year grain supply - regardless of the current state of affairs in agriculture and the yield of a particular year. This rule is unbreakable. It was noted in the conversation that in contrast to the dry 2020, this year pleased the Pridnestrovian agrarians with good indicators in grain harvest. They talked about the reclamation complex development. Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled that there were only 8000 hectares of arable land under irrigation at the beginning of 2017, now it is 24000 hectares, and they expect to expand the area of ​​irrigated land to 30 hectares by the end of the year. It was emphasized that the republic is developing the reclamation complex on its own. The contribution to the development of the irrigation system is noted not only by land users, but also by the "Electromash" industrial enterprise. On the recommendation of Vadim Krasnoselsky, the plant established the production of equipment for pumping stations, took over its installation and maintenance. It is important that the state participates in the program for the development of the reclamation network. We are talking about the creation of central nodes, the launch of pumping stations, the provision of lucrative loans, the preferential cost of irrigation water.

They spoke in the course of the meeting about the situation with car license plates and neutral driver's licenses, vaccination of the population against coronavirus, programs for prosthetics of Pridnestrovians and treatment outside the republic. They discussed the problem of allocating housing to the PMR defenders, noting that the need is still great and there is a priority, paid attention to interaction with young people in general and the activities of the youth wing of the PMR Defenders Union in particular. It was noted that this sector mainly employs children of participants in military operations to protect Pridnestrovie, including those killed in the early 90s. The interlocutors of the President presented to his attention their developments on various patriotic projects.

There was a proposal to install memorial plaques on the houses where the deceased defenders lived, as well as on the buildings of the schools where they once studied. The residents of Rybnitsa have already implemented this idea. They also touched upon the issue of erecting monuments on the graves of the deceased participants in the hostilities, who by the end of their lives turned out to be lonely. They agreed that it is necessary to finance from the budget the installation of uniform slabs in specially designated areas of cemeteries, where the graves of the deceased defenders will be compactly located. For example, such an alley already exists at the Borisov cemetery in Bendery. Hundreds of monuments were constructed there. Work in this direction continues.

Among the issues discussed at the meeting was the implementation of socially significant state programs. They asked whether the work on street lighting will continue, for example. It was noted that 220 kilometers of Pridnestrovian roads have been illuminated in three years. 3.7 million rubles were allocated to provide streets with artificial lighting in 2021. They also talked about water supply. Centralized water supply has been organized in 52 settlements for several years. Almost a billion rubles have been invested since 2017 in the repair of the housing and communal services infrastructure. Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled that 56 kindergartens, 62 schools, 21 social correctional institutions, 42 medical, 16 sports facilities, 13 cultural spheres, 8 institutions of additional education, almost two dozen park zones, more than fifty playgrounds have been repaired or built during the period of the Capital Investment Fund program.

The President during the conversation was addressed with questions, proposals and requests not only of a public, but also of private nature. The dialogue with some interlocutors continued one-on-one at the end of the main part of the meeting., the Working instructions were given by Vadim Krasnoselsky following the discussion.

The participants at the end of the meeting exchanged congratulations on the upcoming 31st anniversary of the formation of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized the contribution of the defenders not only to the creation of the state, but also to its formation and development. He noted the personal involvement and active civic position of young people, calling on the members of the Union of Pridnestrovian Defenders to maximum interaction with the new generation of Pridnestrovians.


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