Vaccination in Pridnestrovie

07/19/21 12:53

Vaccination in Pridnestrovie

It was noted in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the President that there was no increase in the incidence of coronavirus in Pridnestrovie. At the same time the system for countering the spread of COVID-19 is built in such a way that it can activate one or another direction at any time - based on the epidemiological situation. Increased attention is paid to prevention, including vaccination. The first dose of one of the five vaccines used so far in the vaccination campaign of Pridnestrovie was received by 71397 residents of the republic, 46976 people completed the course. A batch of the Chinese vaccine "Sinopharm" was received on the14th of July– 5000 doses (for a two-stage course of 2500 patients), on the15th of July – 15000 single-component vaccines of the American company "Janssen" (pharmaceutical division of Johnson & Johnson). Both vaccines will be available to PMR citizens regardless of age. The sequence is formed on the basis of applications. The priority is doctors and social workers. It was noted at the meeting that 2634 healthcare workers fell ill with coronavirus during the pandemic (more than five hundred doctors, almost the same number of orderlies, twice as many mid-level health workers, over six hundred employees of non-medical medical institutions). Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that preserving the health of doctors in the difficult conditions of the pandemic is one of the priority tasks of national importance.

Taking into account the large number of questions related to vaccination, a hotline has been created. The universal number is "126". Students (future sociologists and psychologists) are involved in the work to provide informational support to the population and to carry out electronic registration of persons wishing to be vaccinated against coronavirus, as well as to keep track of those who have already been vaccinated. The training course is organized on the basis of the Ministry of Health. The call-center, quickly created with the support of the Ministry of Digital Development will start receiving calls tomorrow in test mode and only from residents of Tiraspol. It is assumed that the system tested in the capital will be fully operational, covering the entire republic in two weeks. Applications from citizens will continue to be accepted in the institutions of the polyclinic service until that time in towns and districts of the republic.


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