Communication of the President with Agrarians of Rybnitsa District

06/10/21 18:40

Communication of the President with Agrarians of Rybnitsa District

The President was accompanied by the Head of the local administration during the inspection visit to the Rybnitsa district. Discussing the issues of the district's life, the interlocutors focused on the topic of agriculture. Viktor Tyagay noted that the area of ​​agricultural land in Rybnitsa is almost 56 thousand hectares. Most of these are arable lands - 53.6 thousand hectares. Perennial plantations occupy about 2.3 thousand hectares of land. Vadim Krasnoselsky was interested in the state of affairs with land reclamation. The President was told that more than ten thousand hectares are formally irrigated in the region, but in practice, the current reclamation system covers 1,672 hectares. It is necessary to restore the worn-out irrigation network in the rest of the area. Six out of fifteen existing pumping stations operate in the villages of Popenki, Voronkovo, Mokra, Zozulyany, Vykhvatintsy. According to the government's action plan for the development of the reclamation complex, seven pumping stations are to be put back into operation in the Rybnitsa region within five years. The price of the issue is 10 million rubles.

Visiting the rural settlements of the Rybnitsa district, the President stopped in Stroentsy and talked with the management and staff of the agricultural enterprise of the same name. LLC "Stroentsy" has chosen a combined farming option: they are engaged in crop production and animal husbandry. The area of ​​agricultural land under cultivation is 1385 hectares. These are mainly arable lands, but there are also 22 hectares of perennial plantations. This year they sowed winter crops - wheat and barley, corn, sunflower, mustard, triticale, rapeseed. Own harvest is, among other things, a fodder base. Dairy farming is an important part of the agricultural business. The company invests considerable effort and money in the development of this area. They purchased about a hundred heads of breeding heifers from Hungary last year. An agreement has been concluded for the purchase of another 66 heads of cattle in the near future, the President was told today. The infrastructure of the agricultural firm is gradually expanding, specialized equipment is being updated. Examining the premises equipped with modern equipment, Vadim Krasnoselsky asked about the sources of investment. Business development is directly related to state support, said the Head of the agricultural company Igor Paskar. The subsidies for the purchase of milk from the population are ruble per liter, as well as subsidies for the purchase of cattle, financial assistance from the state amounted to 3.5 million rubles. Dairy farm was reconstructed with this money, the roofs and window blocks of the cowsheds were renewed, the flooring was replaced with a specialized rubberized one. The construction of a new complex, which includes a milking and dairy parlor equipped with refrigeration equipment, is at the final stage. It is planned to purchase artificial insemination machines for cows.

The machine and tractor fleet of the enterprise has been seriously replenished for three years. 24 units of equipment were purchased for a total amount of about 12 million rubles. These are the working capital of the enterprise, and financial assistance from Russia, and preferential credit resources for the development of the agricultural sector, the agrarian told the President. The next item of the business plan, successfully implemented by the Stroentsy team, is the inclusion of the enterprise's farmland in the land reclamation complex of the republic. The irrigation system here once functioned, but in the early 2000s, the pumping station was out of order. One of the tasks for the near future is to restore the irrigation system.

Another agricultural enterprise of the Rybnitsa district that was visited today by Vadim Krasnoselsky is Mikhailovka-Agro LLC, located in the village of Mikhailovka. The company has been operating since 2007. Now the enterprise uses more than two thousand hectares of arable land. They specialize in growing winter wheat, sunflower, corn, and in smaller volumes – rapeseed. New direction, coriander is put into production, they expect to export.

The enterprise is run by a young agricultural entrepreneur Anatoly Andriutsa. They work together with their father, a native of the village, Andrei Petrovich. He told the President that the company is restoring the irrigation system. 700 hectares of cultivated land is included in the irrigation system, the process of restoration of the reclamation complex is taking place on an area of ​​300 hectares. There are six pumps that are capable of providing irrigation for one and a half thousand hectares of land. The launch of the reclamation mechanism requires additional workers, which means that in the near future at least a dozen more jobs will be created at the enterprise, representatives of Mikhailovka-Agro told the President. The staff of the enterprise is 40 people now. Employees are provided with overalls and free meals, the director said. The special pride of the management is its auto-technical equipment. Seven combines, a dozen and a half tractors and three sprayers are involved in the fields of the company. The head of state asked what resources were used to equip the enterprise. Petr Andriutsa said that the organization took out a large loan at a very favorable interest rate - 3%. According to him, there is an opportunity for the development of agricultural business with such support from the state.


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