Presidential Inspection to Slobodzeya District

06/08/21 18:52

Presidential Inspection to Slobodzeya District

The delegation headed by the President visited some infrastructure and agricultural facilities of the Slobodzeya district. They paid attention to the central part of the city. The Head of the district Vasily Tishchenko told how the construction of the Park of the newlyweds is progressing. It is included in the Capital Investment Fund program of the current year. 1.7 million rubles were allocated from the state budget. Vadim Krasnoselsky was told about the details of the project. The President clarified whether the bowl of an artificial reservoir with a man-made waterfall is intended to be deep. Having found out that the estimated depth is 70 centimeters, the President noted that a fence should be thought out in this case. Vadim Krasnoselsky instructed to add this element to the project.

The newlyweds park should receive its first visitors this year. The improvement of the Slobozeya center is not finished here. The President was told about future plans. They have been voiced only as an idea for the future so far. We are talking about the construction of an open-air sports complex next to the park. Vadim Krasnoselsky examined the territory proposed for this project and found the location very successful for placing the sports sector. The participants of the visiting meeting discussed the possible content of the future physical culture and game complex. A football field, a volleyball and basketball court, jogging tracks, a workout zone, and a rollerdrome may soon appear here as in other cities. It is proposed to keep idle buildings. It is possible to equip changing rooms, and in the more distant future – gyms in these buildings. They also discussed options for the effective use of the old building of the summer cinema. The object has been idle for many years and has fallen into disrepair. The local leadership has been instructed to prepare visualized projects.

The sports facility in Chobruchi is under reconstruction. The President visited the stadium, inspected the progress of repair and construction work. The changing rooms are now expanding. It is necessary to improve the spectator stands in the future. If they are for 1000 seats, then the Chobruchi stadium can be counted on to be assigned the first category, which means that international competitions will be held, said the deputy of the Supreme Soviet Oleg Vasilaty.

The President visited the famous recreational location in Chobruchi – the Park named after Rodin. Repair and construction work is being carried out here with grant money. 80 thousand Euros have been allocated. The water supply system was updated previously. Pumping equipment was installed at the expense of the local budget. Speaking on behalf of the villagers, Oleg Vasilaty said that in the foreseeable future he sees the Park named after Rodin as a part of the tourist cluster. It is assumed that, in addition to the eminent park and the neighboring House of Culture, it will include natural and historical and archaeological objects, mounds and Scythian burials, for example. The park area needs to be paved. Funding for this type of work is expected from public funds. Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled that the opinion of deputies and heads of local administrations is a priority when forming the program of the Capital Investment Fund.


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