Working discussion with members of the Operational Headquarters

06/07/21 11:48

Working discussion with members of the Operational Headquarters

It was noted in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the President for prevention of the spread of coronavirus that the coronavirus is changing its behavior. There are fewer people susceptible to infection, while the course of the disease is more complicated. Half of the hospitalized citizens have a hard time COVID-19. The mortality rate is higher than the previous: in general, during the pandemic - 2.4%, and in May it exceeded 5%.

The average daily rate of registration of cases of coronavirus infection last week was 22, this week – 15. Four operating hospitals are occupied by 20%, where 184 Pridnestrovians undergo treatment. The capacity has been reduced by two and a half times. If the situation develops in this direction and further, it is likely that two infectious diseases hospitals will remain in the near future – Slobodzeya and Rybnitsa.

Taking into consideration the improvement in the epidemiological situation, the gradual easing of quarantine restrictions continues. The President announced his decision to maintain the pre-pandemic regime of crossing the Pridnestrovian border until further notice, that is, without specifying specific dates. If the epidemiological situation is favorable, the special restrictive conditions will not be returned. Another presidential decision, made after discussions with the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service specialists and members of the Operations Headquarters, was to allow the organization of children's leisure time at the camp grounds. Not only state and municipal health camps are returning to service, but also private sites. The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service has been instructed to take objects under special control – both before opening and in the process of work. News for future newlyweds and their entourage: relatives and friends can again attend the wedding ceremony – subject to quarantine regulations. Medal award ceremonies will be held this week in the cities of the republic. They are recommended to be held in open areas. The practice of holding thematic cultural events is resumed in parks and squares. The President instructed the Heads of state administrations to prepare a schedule for the summer period. Among the upcoming events is the celebration of the Day of Russia on the 12th of June. Vadim Krasnoselsky called for the maximum use of creative teams, whose performances on open stage and improvised venues arouse interest among citizens and are safe from the point of view of sanitary and epidemiological standards.


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