The President held a working meeting with the Commissioner for Human Rights in Pridnestrovie

06/02/21 11:45

The President held a working meeting with the Commissioner for Human Rights in Pridnestrovie

Meeting of the President with the Pridnestrovian Ombudsman took place at the presidential working office. Vyacheslav Kosinsky informed about the work done by the Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman in the PMR last year (detailed final report - one and a half hundred pages of text - is presented separately), outlined plans and priorities for the current year. The speaker recalled that due to quarantine restrictions aimed at preventing the spread of the COVID-19 viral infection, personal reception of citizens was suspended, applications are accepted in writing or electronically. Approximately 640 applications were received during the year. More often than others, pensioners, low-income citizens, the disabled and the unemployed apply for assistance. The most common topics are taking into account the Pridnestrovian experience in calculating the Russian pension, assistance in the provision of medical services, inaction of officials and medical workers. Such economic entities as "Litmash", "Priethenia", the Bendery oil extraction plant and the Tiraspol meat processing plant appear in the appeals regarding the untimely payment of wages, Vyacheslav Kosinsky said. Housing inquiries are coming in. There are 4400 citizens in the queue. There is progress. Last year 65 orphans were provided with apartments. Another forty people received temporary housing (before purchasing a permanent one).

They discussed the observance of children's rights at the meeting. It was noted that, despite the long distance learning regime, the right to education was not violated. The Ombudsman recalled that assistance in providing families of schoolchildren with the technical means necessary for remote learning was provided by the ministries and departments of the republic.

The Ombudsman said that there were practically no complaints from the military. There were no complaints about the employment of citizens who have served their sentences, although the problem as such remains relevant, the speaker noted. He said that due to the pandemic, he was limited in his ability to visit the facilities of the State Penitentiary Service, but the situation in penitentiary institutions is under constant control.

The Commissioner for Human Rights, speaking about interaction with public authorities, called it systemic, effective and expressed gratitude for assistance in emerging issues resolving.

Having listened to the report, the President noted that the work of the Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman in Pridnestrovie is important and its results are visible. Vadim Krasnoselsky said that the subject matter of the appeals addressed to him is in many respects identical to those indicated by the Ombudsman. The President recommended that the Commissioner focus on the problem of non-observance of the rights of the PMR citizens from a foreign policy point of view. He was instructed to strengthen cooperation with the PMR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The work of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the PMR was recognized by the President as satisfactory in general.


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