The President chaired a meeting on improvement of Pridnestrovian State University

05/12/21 17:53

The President chaired a meeting on improvement of Pridnestrovian State University

Meeting on the infrastructural renewal of Pridnestrovian State University progress was held at the presidential executive office. Vadim Krasnoselsky invited the adviser to the President, the Head of the city administration and representatives of the general contracting organization to the working discussion. Four contractors In total were involved in the facilities of the Pridnestrovian State University, who proved themselves well in the implementation of repair and construction work in the Catherine Park, Tiraspol schools No. 14 and No. 17, kindergarten No. 39. In addition, specialists from Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Spetszelenstroy" take an active part in the improvement of the territory of the university and the areas adjacent to the university. A significant amount of profile work has already been carried out. As for renovation, the roof of the educational buildings has been almost completely repaired at the moment, the facades of the buildings are being put in order. It is necessary until September of this year to improve the appearance of university buildings and carry out repair work inside student dormitories. Subsequently, attention will be paid to classrooms and training rooms, as well as the campus. The full reincarnation of the Pridnestrovian State University will take two to three years, the participants of the meeting noted.

The temple of St. Tatiana, located in the campus was among the locations that were discussed today. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that the work on its construction was delayed. The President instructed the city administration to take over the supervision of the object. The student church should "come to life" in the near future – before the completion of repair and construction work at the Pridnestrovian State University. Works in the campus will begin in early June.

Work with project documentation and work schedules continued at the end of the desk part of the meeting, after that in an on-site format. The inspection team led by the President visited various points. The contractors spoke about peculiarities of the future design of university buildings. They talked about plans for further landscaping. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that the combination of aesthetics and functionality should be optimal. About a hundred benches have already been ordered. Street lighting, including in the Wi-Fi zone was thought out well. It will be equipped for students in a new park, the central element of which will be a statue symbolizing students. The sector where the monument to T.G. Shevchenko is located, whose name the Pridnestrovian University bears, will also be transformed. The appearance of the monument will also change slightly: the pedestal will be made lighter and more graceful.

The visiting conference was not limited at the university. Its participants visited the Catherine Park, where the landscaping work continues. The President paid special attention to the Miracle City – children's amusement park. It should receive the first young visitors on Children's Day. The holiday will be organized here on the 1st of June.


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