The PMR President signed a law associated with the electronic accountability implementation

05/12/21 14:37

The PMR President signed a law associated with the electronic accountability implementation

Tiraspol, May 12. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselky signed a law associated with the electronic accountability implementation. Amendments to a number of relevant laws were adopted by the PMR Supreme Сouncil in April this year. We remind you that a state digital information system (SIS) has already been developed in the republic, which makes it possible for enterprises and organizations to submit financial, tax, as well as statistical accountings digitally. While this system is working in testing regime and economic entities can still choose the digital of paper form for reports submitting.

At present, more than 300 Pridnestrovian enterprises submit their reports digitally. The transition period will continue until the year’s end. However, from January 1, of the year of 2022, all economic agents are required to be adopted to the newly-established regime of work and submit all reports digitally.

The SIS operation mode as well as the specifics of the financial, tax and statistical reports’ provision by income taxpayers electronically will be established by the PMR Government.

This initiative was developed in close collaboration with income taxpayers themselves and public representatives. Economic entities showed an active interest in announced project and willingly took part in testing software products, recognizing each them functional and convenient to use.

The law will come into effect on the day following its official publication.


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