90 the Second World War veterans are living in Pridnestrovie

05/07/21 13:04

90 the Second World War veterans are living in Pridnestrovie

Tiraspol, May 07. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. According to the Veterans of war, labor as well as Pridnestrovian military forces Republican non-governmental organization, for April 1, 2021, about 90 veterans of the Great Patriotic War are living in our republic.

According to Svetlana Bakhchevan, the organization chairman, this category includes:

•        veterans of combat operations in the period from 1941 to 1945 – in the whole 71 persons. About 14 among them are disabled people, who were injured on the battlefields;

•        civilian employees as well as employees on the home front: 3 persons (among them are headquarters staff, hospital workers and others);

•        servicepersons of the army’s last military conscription during the Great Patriotic War – in the whole 16 persons.

The Victory parade, which will take place on May 9 on the main capital’s square will be attended only by three veterans, who are living in Tiraspol. The rest of them by reason of age or health will hear congratulations directly at home.

Everybody of them will be visited by movable performing entertainers’ teams with a concert program. Entertainers will perform patriotic musical works for veterans, including such war period songs as “Катюша”, “Землянка”, “Смуглянка” and many others.

Moreover, the head of the capital’s state administration Oleg Dovgopol managed that apartments of the Great Patriotic War veterans, who need housing improvements, will be repaired. Totally, five apartments will be well-developed.

It should be noted that on the Victory Day threshold, LLC (limited liability company) “Sheriff” expressed its gratitude for peaceful skies. Each of veterans will receive as a gift one thousand United States dollars, the “TSV” TV channel reports.

At the moment, other 1,397 persons, who are equated with the Great Patriotic War participants, are living in Pridnestrovie, among them:

  • former prisoners of concentration camps, shanty towns and other places of forced imprisonment, created by fascists and their allies during the Second World War – 38 persons;
  • survivors of the Leningrad Siege – 14 persons;
  • widows of combat veterans as well as disabled veterans – 336 persons;
  • homefront workers – 821 persons;
  • participants in localized wars after a year of 1945 (in Japan, Korea) – 30 persons;
  • former purged people – 158 persons.

We remind you that according to the law on the Great Patriotic War veterans’ social protection, veterans as well as those who are equated with the Great Patriotic War participants (survivors of siege, homefront workers and others), who by their labor brought the Victory closer, have the right to fringe benefits. Among the basic ones:

•        free provision on prescription medicines, based upon the list and in the order, which was established by the authorized Government;

•        unscheduled free fabricating as well as repairing of dental prostheses (but not including prostheses, that made of precious metals, porcelain or metal-ceramics) once every five years in polyclinics, as well as free provision with other prosthetic and orthopedic materials;

  • free holiday package’s provision once every two years by the relevant bodies, implementing the pension provision;
  • free pass by all types of urban transport (but not including taxis), common transport in rural locations, as well as suburban and republican routes’ buses within the PMR;
  • 100% discount on utility services payment for a combatant and his or her spouse; 75% discount for other family members of a combat veteran who are living with him.

On the Ministry of Social Protection and Labor website you could find more information on benefits.


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