The President held a meeting with the Heads of State Administrations

04/19/21 14:13

The President held a meeting with the Heads of State Administrations

Discussion of current issues of the republic's towns and districts is traditional practice for the beginning of the President’s working week. The Heads reported on the situation on the ground. The situation is stable on the whole. Vadim Krasnoselsky drew attention of the interlocutors to the need to intensify the improvement work. We are talking about cleaning and landscaping work. Special attention should be paid to burial places on the eve of Easter days. It is necessary to put in order the monuments and graves of the defenders by Victory Day. The Heads of state administrations informed the President that works in this direction are underway, including within the framework of Saturday volunteer works.

Vadim Krasnoselsky recalled the need to improve recreation areas near water, stressing that one should not wait for the onset of the swimming season: the period of May Day begins that citizens often spend near the river with the arrival of spring heat. The President noted that recreational areas, both central and those that appeared due to the choice of the local population, should be comfortable and safe.

Progress in the implementation of the Capital Investment Fund 2021 program was discussed at the meeting. The heads reported on the tenders held and spoke about the objects on which repair and construction work has already begun. The Head of the Slobodzeya administration said that one of the projects will be adjusted at the request of local residents. We are talking about the Chobruchi stadium. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that the opinion of citizens in such matters is fundamental.

Increased attention among the capital's facilities today was paid to the territory between the theater and the state university. Landscapers are working on the square. Amendments have been made to the paving plan of the areas adjacent to the academic buildings of the university. The stopping point located closer to building B will be modified - a full-fledged parking pocket will be thought out. There is an idea to design a thematically student public transport stop. Various options are being considered.

The President asked about the improvement of the territory of the Republican Clinical Hospital on his behalf. The rendered project is ready. An estimate is being formed.

At the end of the working discussion with the heads of state administrations, the President continued to discuss these and other issues within the framework of the meeting with the Government.


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