Tiraspol, April 16. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. In telegram channel, the head of state said that the townspeople more often send requests of a private nature, while the villagers send collective requests. The head of state came to this conclusion when he analyzed the appeals that come to him and to the Presidential Administration.
“Residents of villages ask for what is necessary to preserve their settlements - water supply, gasification, construction or repair of educational and medical institutions. Roads are often mentioned. I consider such appeals more than carefully. They reflect the true state of affairs, the real needs of people,” Vadim Krasnoselsky shared.
The President recalled that during each inspection visit across the republic, in addition to the central part of the region, he also visits the countryside. The head of state emphasizes that it is important for him to see the situation in its true colors.
“I visit both objects that require attention and investment of funds, and those that have already been classified as implemented projects. And if at first the volumes of what has been done and what is to be done were incomparable (of course, with a preponderance towards the second category), now we can already talk about serious achievements in the social and infrastructural direction,” the President shared.
According to the head of state, about 30 million rubles have been invested in providing centralized access to water and gas for fifty villages over several years. They expanded road construction works with approximately the same number of rural settlements. The President noted that almost 50 million rubles were spent on road repairs in villages in 2017-2020.
“Despite the limited opportunities due to the ongoing pandemic, funds have been allocated for this purpose this year as well. There are also many schools, kindergartens, houses of culture being reconstructed ... The process is underway, and it is gratifying that, along with complaints and requests, letters of gratitude are received more and more often,” Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized.