COVID statistics

04/05/21 10:37

COVID statistics

Relevant statistics related to the spread of coronavirus in Pridnestrovie: there are 4948 COVID-19 carriers in the republic today, 2279 people are being treated in quarantine hospitals. The condition of 468 patients is assessed as serious (20% of cases), 57 are in intensive care, 15 are connected to artificial lung ventilation. 83 people suspected of infection are awaiting the results of the study of biomaterial samples in hospital setting. The workload of the network of infectious diseases hospitals is 92%. 2654 Pridnestrovians undergo home treatment. 246 patients were transferred from home to hospitals from March 29 to April 4 due to deteriorating state of health. Another 15 carriers of the virus are prisoners.

8555 samples of biomaterial were examined during the week. The fact of the disease was confirmed in 2349 people. 68 patients from coronavirus hospitals died in the reporting period. 2199 citizens coped with the disease. The average daily incidence rate in the republic in the reporting period was 335 cases, a week earlier it was higher - 396 facts per day.

186213 samples have been selected for research in the republic since the beginning of the pandemic in Pridnestrovie in total, 42413 cases of infection have been registered, 939 deaths have been recorded, 36526 people coped with the disease.


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