The interview with Vadim Krasnoselsky on the eve of the formation day of the PMR Ministry of Internal Affairs

03/05/21 10:25

The interview with Vadim Krasnoselsky on the eve of the formation day of the PMR Ministry of Internal Affairs

Pridnestrovian militiamen celebrate the day of the formation of the PMR Ministry of Internal Affairs on the 5th of March. The departmental press service by this date recorded thematic interview with Vadim Krasnoselsky, who devoted twenty years to serving in the internal affairs bodies of Pridnestrovie (five of them in the post of minister).

About the choice between military affairs and law enforcement

We must recall before talking about the choice the time that coincides with graduation from the Kharkov Higher Command and Engineering School of the Missile Forces. I graduated with a degree in systems engineer and cybernetics. But the state collapsed, the Soviet Union collapsed. It was a disaster not only in terms of the collapse of the state, but also in terms of the collapse of the army. Finishing the military school (this was, in principle, the last graduation, now it is the Ivan Kozhedub Kharkov National University of the Air Forces of Ukraine), my wife and I (then a son was born) decided to return home and continue our work, service in Bendery. That was the situation. Arriving in Bendery, I studied what specialists are required, where there are jobs. The choice fell on the militia. I became a senior engineer for operational communications of special equipment. In principle, I went to some extent in specialization, because, after graduating from a military school I had to do with communications - not direct, but indirect of course. And I had to work. There was no connection as such at that time in the City Department of Internal Affairs of Bendery. Then the militia was like a paramilitary formation - the middle between the militia and a paramilitary formation. I began to reestablish communication. This is how the service in the militia began, and then, already working in the militia, in the City Department of Internal Affairs of Bendery in this post, I developed an interest in the militia service itself. At that time, there was a lack of staffing as a wireman I was often sent to work as a district militia officer, an inspector of the duty unit, and an interrogator. Later I entered Pridnestrovian State University at the Faculty of Law and, having already received the second higher education - legal, I moved to an operational position.

As the head of the militia, the minister of internal affairs, I devoted a lot of time to development of sports, development of history, development of the culture of our region. Housing for the militia was built. That is, I performed national tasks in terms of preserving the history and culture of our homeland in addition to narrow professional tasks.

Militiaman’s heart is set on doing this mission 

A militiaman is some kind of calling. You have to want to become a militiaman. But there are positions in the militia, who should be born as they say. One should probably be born a criminal investigator, a detective. To become a militiaman, one must have a desire to defend people and the law. The basis is to save lives, to defend the rights of people. People who come to the militia without this desire leave very quickly. Whoever has it, remain and probably remain until retirement.

The point at issue is that service does not change, but strengthens

I am convinced that sports, school, education is the base. Then you get an education. The character that you have laid, built will remain for you for the rest of your life. Has the militia service changed me? Hardly. In general, what is the worst thing about being a militiaman? This is professional deformation. That is, not to feel someone else's pain and someone else's problem. You have to grasp this in yourself. I've always tested, figuratively speaking, tested myself on this score. I as before, and now subtly feel someone else's pain, someone else's problem, trying to help. It was for sure necessary to engage in sports, to become familiar with the history and culture of their region, so that the team did not fall ill with professional deformation. This, shall we say, helped to save oneself. The fact is that the service in the militia has strengthened, of course. This is one hundred percent. She hardened, strengthened, made it possible to better understand relations between people, to understand more clearly what life in general is.

About the attitude of society towards law enforcement agencies

People often if they scold the militia, then they do it in an amicable way. The assessment given to the militia is the true one. Everything depends on ourselves, on the militia officers - it depended before, it depends now. I came across many situations, with many people who evaluated the work of the militia in different ways, but when a problem happened, they always turned to the militia. Regardless of their attitude to the militia, we always came to the rescue. It is most important.

Is Pridnestrovie a militia state?

I disagree. We are not an authoritarian state, and power structures are not placed on the pedestal. Everything is harmonious in Pridnestrovie. If one of the leaders once served in the militia, it’s good because there is an understanding of the law and legality.

About the essence of the Pridnestrovian militia

The militia is strength. This is the foundation of the fight against crime and the maintenance of public order. The most important thing: the militia is the body filled with people who are ready to stand up to defend their homeland and each person individually.



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