The President took part in the work of the Collegium of the PMR State Customs Committee

02/19/21 13:27

The President took part in the work of the Collegium of the PMR State Customs Committee

Vadim Krasnoselsky heard a report on the results of the work of the State Customs Committee in 2020. The meeting was held online.

The main report was made by the Chairman of the State Customs Committee of the PMR. Vitaly Neagu emphasized that the global epidemiological situation largely predetermined the vector of the department's work in 2020. Thus, one of the main activities of the Committee was the introduction and improvement of information technologies in the customs sphere. First of all, we are talking about the transition to electronic declaration of goods imported into Pridnestrovie, registration of individual entrepreneurs and the transfer of customs payments to a non-cash form. The President noted that the transition to electronic export fully met the expectations and made it possible to exclude the corruption component. Vadim Krasnoselsky reminded those present that quite recently it took up to a couple of weeks to process export declarations, whereas now the procedure takes from 1 to 7 minutes. The President noted that the next step should be the transition to "electronic import".

Commenting on the planned transfer of customs payments to non-cash form and their automatic transfer to the republican budget, the President drew attention to the necessity to ensure conditions for the implementation of these procedures. In particular, they talked about the absence of bank branches at the border. The President instructed the government to work out this issue together with the Pridnestrovian banks. It is expected that non-cash will become mandatory for all legal entities and entrepreneurs from March 1, 2021.

Speaking about the consequences of the pandemic, Vitaly Neagu noted that due to restrictions on foreign economic activity, the trade turnover of Pridnestrovie decreased by 10% last year: imports dropped by 13%, exports by 4%. Revenues to the state treasury (compared to 2019, minus 9%, or 73 million rubles) respectively were reduced. At the same time, it is important that the planned indicators are almost fully met: in the form of customs payments, the country's budget received 757 million rubles (half of the revenues of the republican budget).

The speaker told about improving the regulatory framework in the customs sphere in detail. Thus, legislations were adopted that made it possible to streamline the procedure for granting benefits to participants in foreign economic activity in terms of taxation in the reporting year. The priority areas of work of the State Customs Committee in the reporting period were associated with the elimination of administrative barriers in the customs area, improvement of customs procedures, their acceleration and simplification, as well as liberalization in the sphere of foreign economic activity. The Head of the department emphasized that all changes in customs legislation and technologies are aimed at promoting the republic's foreign trade. The President supported the committee in focusing on the Russian market and reminded that the State Customs Committee of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic should strive to create a trade balance between the European Union and the Russian Federation.

An important indicator of the quality of the State Customs Committee is the opinion of the business community. The Head of the Union of Industrialists, Agrarians and Entrepreneurs of Pridnestrovie Yury Cheban made a speech at the meeting of the Board of the State Customs Committee.

The President of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic considers it important to have direct interaction between the State Customs Committee and entrepreneurs in terms of advisory work. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that it is very important to hear the voice of an entrepreneur, hear his complaints or conversely hear from him that you are doing better.

Concluding the meeting of the Collegium, the President acknowledged the work of the State Customs Committee of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic at the end of 2020 as satisfactory.


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